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Ubiquity offers competency-based education for all. We do so through two flagship products.



What are UbiCerts®?

These credentials represent competencies that you have acquired through your learning and your life experience. You
can earn a UbiCert by

Completing coursework at Ubiquity

Submitting details of prior
work experience to Ubiquity for credentialing

Submitting your organization’s in-house training modules for credentialing

Ubicert credentials can be stacked into professional and academic degrees to be shared with employers and partners around the world.

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What are UbiSkills™?

These credentials represent competencies that you have acquired through your learning and your life experience. You
can earn a UbiCert by

Soft Skills

Essential soft skills as identified by corporations and think tanks globally

soft skills

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Knowledge and tools needed to tackle the world’s most urgent challenges

UN Sustainable development goals

Learn more


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