At Ubiquity University, we are taking a stand on accreditation.
Ubiquity University is a registered university authorized to award academic degrees
Completed degrees
At Ubiquity University, we are taking a stand on accreditation.
Ubiquity University is a registered university authorized to award degrees. We have awarded over 300 degrees so far. We believe in the importance of a high quality learning experience that you can trust, one that will equip you fundamentally for the world we are living in. We see that much of the most relevant and transformational learning is currently being offered outside of the incumbent higher education institutions. The challenge is that the current accreditation models are outmoded and restrictive making it almost impossible for schools to provide students with the learning pathways and skills they actually need to navigate an increasingly hypercomplex world and develop as whole persons. Ubiquity is working with a coalition of institutions and NGOs to create the accreditation of the future, one that requires schools to take environmental and personal development issues seriously as they design their academic programs and one that invites non academic content providers to join.

Together with partner learning institutions and conscious employers, we have created the Global Accreditation Council which guarantees that its members are delivering learning experiences that both engage the whole person and equip them for the real issues we face, and also are of the highest quality and professionalism.
To achieve the first, the GAC has an Impact Assessment to review the content of the learning programs on offer by applicant members. To achieve the second, the GAC uses rigorous third party quality assessment processes provided by the well-established Online Learning Consortium. The GAC seeks to model the future of accreditation. We believe that this combination guarantees you a transformational and high quality learning experience that you can trust and will equip you more fundamentally to make a positive contribution to our world.
Buckminster Fuller said that the future is created not by opposing the old but by building the new. This is typical of a period of transition and disruption in which the old system looks to protect the old way of doing things and the mainstream institutions find themselves unable to adapt quickly enough due to the old order in which they are embedded. It is in this context that new disruptors such as Ubiquity and many of our partners emerge as the actors that shape the future.
In that context we have a choice – play by the old rules and offer an education that is limited by the inflexibility of an outdated accreditation system, or really go for what students, employers and the world is telling us is actually needed to help humanity transition through these challenging times and grasp the opportunities at hand. We choose the latter.
The challenge in this phase of the old system breaking down and the new system breaking through is whether new system credentials will be recognised by old system institutions. In our experience, there is no simple answer to that. Open-minded employers and educational institutions look at you as a person and what you have actually learned and developed through your educational experience. In that situation, we believe you are likely to have a greater chance of making a good impression than graduates from more old-school institutions. However, some employers and educational institutions might just look at the bureaucratic information around a credential and whether it fits the old system’s requirements. In that case, there is no guarantee that your Ubiquity credential will get through their bureaucracy. It is important to note that GAC is not officially recognized by the EU or US accrediting bodies. GAC provides its own accreditation standards focused on impact and quality. We believe that if you get the training you know you need, you will find the place where you can offer your gifts out into the world.
If you have any questions about our accreditation, feel free to contact us and we would be happy to talk to you about it. We are committed to full transparency and supporting you to find a way to connect your passion, purpose and expertise to real needs in the world.