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Foundations of Self-Mastery

Each of us wants to be authentically happy.

And we all desire to be able to look back on our actions & experiences with a sense of deep satisfaction, and to look forward to the future with a sense of great enthusiasm and hope.

More and more research, however, is confirming that being authentically happy, and feeling deeply satisfied with our life, are not nearly as related to achieving our external goals as modern society often leads us to believe.

In other words, getting that dream job likely isn’t enough, in itself… Becoming successful and wealthy might not bring you ALL you truly desire… Even marrying a partner you love and having great kids… Not a guarantee of full, abiding happiness, right?

It turns out that happiness and life satisfaction are more a result of your own inner capacity to cultivate what researchers call “subjective well-being”.

And your subjective well-being appears to result from having a special kind of “inner skill-set”one that’s almost never taught in schools.

Yet it’s a  very ‘special set of skills’ that can often determine whether you end up simply working hard to make a living, or actually working joyfully to create a truly satisfying life.

At Ubiquity we believe it’s these core skills “which we call Self-Mastery”that are indeed essential to ensuring the gratifying success of anything and everything else you choose to do in life.

And that’s why all incoming students take our Foundations of Self-Mastery course.

By the end of this course, you’ll discover much more about your own unique pathways to Subjective Well-being. You’ll gain valuable self-awareness about where you’re at now and more inspiring clarity around where you want to go next.

In following trimesters, you can move on to other Self-Mastery courses and modules where you’ll build the specific inner-skills and healthy life habits that will further increase your capacity to cultivate authentic happiness and deep satisfaction  wherever your life’s journey takes you.

In this course, you will receive:

  • Over 8 hours of engaging video content that teaches you all the main concepts, while always relating it to how you can increase your subjective well-being right now.
  • PDF Handouts for each of the 14 Modules with text and visual summaries of the main concepts, and how you can best apply them.
  • A comprehensive suite of online self-assessments designed to increase your self-awareness across the four main aspects of your Self-Mastery.
  • Private 25-minute Mentoring Sessions every other week with your own dedicated Self-Mastery Mentor, so you can review your assessments together and uncover the key insights that will most catalyze the next steps in your growth.
  • Access & membership of an engaged social learning pod of your peers on our private social platform, supported by a dedicated course facilitator.
  • A live bi-weekly group Q&A video chat with Dylan Newcomb to further engage with the Self-Mastery lessons and make sure you’re getting more of the full power and potential out of the material.
  • This course is available for academic credit with Ubiquity University – contact

By the end of the course you should be able to:

  • Authentically describe and discuss your Subjective Well-being, within the four domains of your Social Roles, Personal Behaviors, Cultural Contexts and Inner Experiences.
  • Accurately evaluate your Objective Performance, across each of the four main domains of your Social Roles, Personal Behaviors, Cultural Contexts and Inner Experiences.
  • Analyze the various patterns and overall health within your Subjective Well-being and your Objective Performance.
  • Clearly express and authentically appreciate the personal value for you of further cultivating your own Self-Mastery, across your various Social Roles, Personal Behaviors, Cultural Contexts and Inner Experiences.
  • Use both intuition and logic to reflect on your Subjective Well-being & Objective Performance and make skillful choices about which Self-Mastery skills & habits to further cultivate next.
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