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Holistic Health Mastery

Microcourse Description:

Doctors, therapists and other care & cure advisors see huge potential for improvement in health consulting, treatment and the way they perform, but it’s not so easy to see how to go about it in an effective way. Recurring self-education has of course become the standard, thereby expanding one’s scope, but nobody wants to be labeled a quack. So how can this self-education be done effectively? The current medical curricula for doctors, therapists, specialists and other cure & care practitioners have difficulty keeping up with the ever more-often expressed desire to apply a broader perspective on diagnosing symptoms, treatment and coaching. Practitioners need a solid and innovative curriculum that offers a validated way to learn to apply an integral view on illness and a joint exploration of the path back to total health; back to the experience of wholeness. They need a course that teaches them to maintain a solid balance between the longing for health within the patient on the one hand, and the reliable expertise of the practitioner on the other hand. They need a course that teaches Holistic Health Mastery. This course inspires health practitioners who want to apply positive health in a holistic way. This is the proposition of the Holistic Health Mastery course.

“Holistic Health Mastery” is a lite micro course at Ubiquity University. It is composed of five modules. Each module takes a week. Undergraduates are expected to invest 3 to 4 hours on a module; graduate students are expected to spend 6 to 7 hours on a module.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this lite microcourse, you should be able to:

  • Explain what holistic health mastery concepts can convey to the practitioner;
  • Explainn how the various areas of health can interact with each other;
  • Describe how to enrich the client – practitioner relationship in exploring the road to health;
  • Apply the new concepts in existing healthcare practitioner environments.

At the end, you should be able to articulate your opinion on the value of a holistic approach to health mastery, supported by plausible arguments.


The faculty teachers of the Holistic Health Mastery Curriculum are (listed alphabetically):

Jan-Willem van Aalst, PhD, (, Jan-Willem obtained his Ph.D. in knowledge management from Delft University of Technology and Leiden University, The Netherlands. He has been involved in healthcare inno­vation since 2007. Jan-Willem published his “Health Mastery” book in 2016 with the aim of providing an integral, holistic and inclusive lexicon of the entire field of health mastery. This book introduces the four-body model of holistic health and offers new ways of diagnosis and collaborative healing.

Anja Wolters, MSc, ( started her career in healthcare as physiotherapist, with a focus on interpreting the messages of the body’s posture and movement about our well-being. She added Rogerian Client-centered therapy and systemic work to this practice. This way, she developed a holistic view on health which connects body, mind and spirit. It’s Anja’s mission to awaken people’s consciousness about their own self-healing potential. She guides people to reconnect with the intelligence and the wisdom of the body, so they grow into owning their healthy potential en stay the authority of their health. To reach that she is a big promotor of awareness in the quality of the relationship between caretaker and caregiver.

Daniël Zavrel, MSc,(, is one of the pioneers in the field of Business Spirituality and Holistic Health in The Netherlands. Daniel was manager at OIBIBIO Business, a revolutionary concept to introduce spirituality on a large scale in The Netherlands. 20 years ago he founded ‘Being in Business’, a training & coaching agency with a mission to strongly contribute to Global Happiness. Daniel is the developer of the Being in Balance® coaching method and educated 40 HeartMath® company trainers in The Netherlands. He is also an international public speaker at Speakers Academy. Daniel is international certified Iyengar Yoga® teacher, Mindfulness trainer, NLP Master, educated in Spiral Dynamics, Transcendental Meditation, Avatar and Nutrition.

Microcourse Contact Information:

Microcourses are completely on-demand for your convenience. If you have questions or require additional assistance, click the “Chat” button down on the left-hand side of the screen, and submit your question. Our help desk will respond as soon as possible.

Single microcourses do not qualify for academic credit. However, enrolled students can add three microcourses together, purchase a Microcourse Credit Conversion option, pay the difference between the cost of the microcourses and a regular trimester course at their degree level and submit your reflection journals and a Final Creative Assignment for grading. Please contact our registrar for more information – registrar @ (sorry, direct link not provided due to spam bots).

The rules guiding our assignment collection and grading process can be found here: Ubiquity University Grading Policy

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