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Integral Transpersonal Counseling

If you would like to take this course as part of the ITI Certificates towards a Ubiquity degree, please take the course through the ITI platform.

Course Description:

This course introduces you to counseling. It combines some theoretical and practical aspects of counseling in a transpersonal perspective. It proposes an integral vision of the human being and an innovative approach to taking care of the others. Practical tools will be made available to learn how to manage your inner experience to develop awareness, presence and self mastery.

The emerging figure of the counselor responds to the urgent need in our global society of more listening, contact and presence. The counselor is not necessarily a psychologist, but is always a Soft Skills professional trainer. Counseling does not deal with mental illness. The mission of counseling is to build a supportive relationship with a person or a group in order to arouse essential qualities to improve the general welfare of all. This is why counseling can be integrated into many professional contexts where a level of awareness, emotional mastery, and observational skills are needed to make a positive impact on the general health and prosperity of the environment.

In particular, the transpersonal counselor shares with the client a journey of consciousness evolution and spiritual realization. They have integrated their inner experience with the acquisition of an operational methodology able to offer respect, presence, listening, and support to the processes of existential crisis and personal fulfillment. They create the necessary conditions to recognize and express thier own talents and uniqueness as a human being. They have developed the following competencies: autonomous judgment, versatility, intellectual flexibility, creativity, responsibility for one’s own life, tolerance, a spirit of solidarity, compassion for themselves and other people, taking care of and respecting all living forms together with a greater civic and ecological sensitivity.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course you should be able to:

  • understand the basis of the transpersonal vision and some topic philosophical elements in counseling;
  • understand the archetypes of consciousness and how to recognize them in action;
  • manage the basis of methodology of transpersonal counseling: the maieutic dialogue;
  • improve self mastery in taking care of oneself and the other: knowing how to be and how to do respecting one’s own uniqueness; and,
  • recognize one’s inner, specific talents and qualities to offer the most useful service to the context around.


Simona Vigo has a Master’s Degree in Philosophy at the State University of Milan. She is a transpersonal counselor and counselor trainer and graduated from the Integral Transpersonal Institute (ITI) in Milan. In Italy she is member of AssoCounseling (Professional Association of Counselor category). She is a biotransenergetic teacher and tutor supervisor of the Integral Transpersonal Counseling Training in ITI. She is also trainer in BteBodyMindWork (psycho-bodily awareness and dynamic mindfulness practices). She practices as a counselor with an integral-transpersonal approach in individual and group settings. She conducts workshops aimed at discovering and consolidating Soft Skills to promote awareness and the expression of their talents. In particular she works in counseling supporting for the ONLUS Hospital Volunteers Association (AVO) in Sesto San Giovanni (Milan). During the Master Degree in Philosophy, she deepened her studies in humanistic and archetypal psychology both through university courses and numerous theoretical-experiential masters and personal analysis paths. During the training in Transpersonal Counseling she worked on the study of ancient spiritual traditions, in particular related to shamanism. She is founder of the Integral Transpersonal Writing (ITW), an innovative method of writing which integrates techniques of awareness and breadth of consciousness with the philosophical and transpersonal vision. Since 2019 ITW has become a course of Integral and Transpersonal Writing for Integral Transpersonal Institute in the ITI Writing Unit, of which she is responsible. Previously she carried out publishing activities at the Apogeo Srl publishing house for some years first as a collaborator and then as an employee. Then, for ten years, she was chief curator and responsible for the Agorarte SRL Contemporary Art gallery. Responsible for the related editorial series, author of the drafting of all the critical texts relating to the artists and the curatorship of the exhibitions in Milan and Buenos Aires.

Course Modalities:

Non-Credit Options

Lite Level – This course is delivered on-demand with no faculty interaction and is perfect for lifelong learners who want to go at their own pace and who are not interested in academic credit but still want to experience the course.

Audit-No Credit – If you would like to participate when this course is offered in our Live Virtual Classroom mode, you may attend the live faculty webinars but will not be required to submit assignments for credit.

If you take a few courses and decide you want to officially enroll in a degree program, you can gain academic credit for Lite versions or Audit-No Credit versions by paying the difference between these course fees and a normal academic fee, successfully completing quizzes, submitting your reflection journals, and delivering a Final Creative Assignment that will be graded.

For-Credit Options

Live Virtual Classroom: Study that takes place within Ubiquity University, in which Ubiquity academic coursework is accomplished through attendance in Live Webinars, with faculty and student interaction being a part of the Live Webinar content. To receive academic credit, you must not miss more than 3 live sessions, you must complete the quizzes and submit any other required assignments (if any), and a final creative assignment for grading at the degree level you are enrolled in.

Internal Online Independent Study: Study that takes place within Ubiquity University, in which Ubiquity academic online coursework is engaged in independently on one’s own and does not include faculty interaction. To receive academic credit, you must complete the quizzes and submit your reflection journals and final creative assignment for grading at the degree level you are enrolled in.

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Information about how we process refund or cancellation requests can be found here: Refund and Cancellation Policy.

We allow students at all academic levels to participate in our online courses. However, those students who are enrolled in MA or PhD programs are expected to offer a more sophisticated analysis on reflection tasks, writing assignments, and in the final creative assignment. You will be graded commensurate with your degree level. Except for the Final Creative Assignment, word counts are offered as guidelines. If you need to exceed the word counts to submit an MA or PhD level response, you may feel free to do so as long as the word count expansion is reasonable and necessary.

Course Contact Information:

Live Virtual Classroom macrocourses are delivered by faculty in live Zoom sessions. You will have a course facilitator who is available to answer questions and offer additional assistance and that information will be provided to you upon registration. Please do not email faculty directly with any technology or registration issues.

For on-demand lite or Internal Online Independent Study versions, click the “Chat” button down on the left-hand side of the screen for any technical issues or questions you may have about the content.

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