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Merry Musings 07 – Bohm and Krishnamurti: Where Science Meets Spirituality

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Nanocourse Description:

Over a period of twenty years, the quantum physicist David Bohm and spiritual teacher J. Krishnamurti engaged in a series of dialogues to explore how each of their perspectives could deepen each other’s understanding of life. Their dialogues touch on multiple fundamental themes. In this Merry Musing we will explore the core themes and how a view from the new physics relates to ancient spiritual teachings. In the coming Musings we will dive deep into a number of the themes they touch on, including Time and Thought.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this session you should be able to:

  • describe some of the interfaces between new science and spirituality;
  • explain how our current human condition is linked to core themes such as time and thought; and,
  • explore fundamental questions related to our individual and collective lives.

Peter Merry, PhD is the Chief Innovation Officer at Ubiquity University, Founder of the Centre of Human Emergence Netherlands, and a Founding Partner of Engage!. His experience includes facilitating integral change processes in multinational organizations, in government ministries and in mutli-stakeholder initiatives with global stakeholders. He has also spent many years in the not-for-profit sector. He is a recognized expert in the field of energetics and evolutionary systems dynamics and Spiral Dynamics Integral in particular. His books include Evolutionary Leadership”, Why Work? and Leading from the Field (forthcoming). He has a PhD with Ubiquity’s Wisdom School in Volution Theory.




  • Audit-No Credit: $20

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Single nanocourses do not qualify for academic credit. However, enrolled students can add any twelve nanocourses together, purchase a Nanocourse Credit Conversion option, pay the difference between the cost of the nanocourses and a regular trimester course at their degree level and submit a Final Creative Assignment for grading. Please contact our registrar for more information –

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