Go Deep to Go Far

Science and Consciousness
2023 - Wyrd Time

An open five-day scientific exploration of time from a non-linear perspective

The in-person event is now SOLD OUT! Please email registrar@ubiquityuniversity.org to join the waitlist. Alternatively, you can purchase the live-streaming and recording option at checkout.


In Person


19-23, 2023


Residential Conference

Broughton Sanctuary
Skipton, Yorkshire, UK


David Vernon, Wolfhardt Janu, Krista Stanley, David Luke, Donna Thomas Steve Taylor, Marc Wittmann, Peter Merry and others


Masters – 4 credits Doctoral – 4 credits

Available to the public
or for Academic Credit

Can we experience time in a non-linear way?

And if so, how can we use this to positively impact the world around us?

Since its inaugural event in 2021, the annual Science and Consciousness conference has devoted itself to bridging the gap between scientific research and consciousness experiences that can’t be explained by currently accepted theories.

Featuring talks and discussions with the world’s top scientists, academics and practitioners in the field of consciousness studies and real-time experiments that everyone is invited to take part in, participants come away with a real sense of what in Anglo-Saxon terms was referred to as ‘wyrd’; an inherent understanding of our deep interconnection with the world about us.

The theme for 2023 is ‘wyrd time’. Where our Celtic and Anglo-Saxon forebears would have accepted non-linear time as a mystery to be revered, today we’re able to apply more of a scientific approach to this phenomenon.

The conference builds on the work of Bob Jahn and Brenda Dunne, Princeton scientists who dedicated almost thirty years to exploring our ability to affect the world around us with our consciousness. Their findings statistically demonstrated that we are indeed interconnected at the informational energetic level, and can interact outside of the standard parameters of time and space.

In other words, they empirically proved what ancient wisdom traditions have long stated; that interconnectedness with the world around us is a fact. The survival of humankind depends on our ability to learn this for ourselves.

The beautiful Broughton Sanctuary, where the event takes place, is now host to the equipment used in these experiments. You can explore this equipment for yourself, as well as taking the time to experience deep nature-connection through the use of Broughton’s facilities. The 3,000-acre Estate contains wildflower meadows, woodland, a vast nature-recovery program, a labyrinth, fire temple, Wellbeing Center and much more!

Available to the public or for Academic Credit

During this program, you will:

Experience time in non-linear way

Specialist Contributors (more coming soon):

David Vernon

Paula Petry

Marc Wittmann

Donna Thomas

Steve Taylor

Dr. Peter Merry

Dr. Wolfhardt Janu

Bernard Carr

Rev. Dr. Calen Rayne

Karen Darke

HH Khedrupchen Rinpoche

Paolo Morley-Fletcher 

Luigi Sciambarella

Dr. Jeffrey Dunne

Benjamin J. Butler

Kirsty Allan

Dr. David Luke

Dr Vasileios Basios

“This event will challenge you on many levels, and at the same time allow you to ask questions that you have never thought of or dreamed of. You will come away with a different perspective on life.”

Dr. Brenda Dunne

Headed the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research, founder International Consciousness Research Laboratories (ICRL)

The Location

Participants will be staying at Broughton Sanctuary, set in the beautiful countryside of the Yorkshire Dales. With 2,500 acres of moors and woodlands, a spa and retreat centre, historic house and cozy cottages, and many facilities for outdoor activities, it is the ideal place to be exploring reconnection!

“Broughton Hall is the most beautiful environment for learning and connecting.”

Former participant


The Broughton Sanctuary is easily accessible by plane, car and public transport:

3 miles from Skipton Railway Station
24 miles from Leeds Bradford Airport
55 miles from Manchester Airport

For more info and maps see here

Tentative Schedule

  • 16.00 Arrival 
  • 17.00 Opening Circle
  • 18.00 Dinner
  • 19.30 Time Travel Training Experience with David Vernon and Paula Petry 


  • 08.00 Breakfast and dream group 
  • 09.00 Experiencing Interconnectedness 
  • 09.30 Introduction with Peter Merry 
  • 10.15 Discussion
  • 10.45 Break
  • 11.15 Steve Taylor - When Seconds Turn into Minutes: Time Expansion Experiences and Time Cessation Experiences
  • 12.00 Discussion


12.30 Lunch - Utopia

  • 14.00 Marc Wittmann - the Experience of Time
  • 15.15 Break
  • 15.45 Donna Thomas - Children’s Unexplained Experiences in a Post Materialist World
  • 17.15 Wyrdo Groups - Avalon incl break out spaces, nest, relaxation


18.30 Dinner - Utopia

  • 20.00 Parallel Sessions in Hall and Avalon


  • 08.00 Breakfast and dream group 
  • 09.00 Experiencing Interconnectedness
  • 09.30 Bernard Carr and Calen Rayne - the Physics of Time
  • 11.00 Break
  • 11.30 Discussion


12.30 Lunch - Utopia

  • 14.00 Introducing the Parallel sessions
  • 14.30 Parallel sessions 
  • 15.30 Break
  • 16.00 Parallel sessions
  • 17.15 Wyrdo groups


18.30 Dinner - Utopia

  • 20.30 Parallel Sessions


  • 08.00 Breakfast - Utopia - dream group in side room
  • 09.00 Experiencing Interconnectedness
  • 09.30 Wyrd Research Latest and the IONS Prizewinning Proposal
  • 11.00 Break
  • 11.30 Parallel Sessions


13.00 Lunch - Utopia

  • 14.00 Forest bathing and Remote Perception - Sanctuary/Woods 15.30 Break
  • 16.00 Remote Perception Debrief - Sanctuary
  • 17.15 Wyrdo groups


18.30 Dinner  - Utopia

  • 20.00 Fire Temple


08.00 Breakfast and dream group

  • 09.00 Experiencing Interconnectedness
  • 09.30 David Luke - Time and Consciousness


11.00 Break

  • 11.30 Wyrd next steps with Peter Merry
  • 12.00 Labyrinth > Moon gate closing


13.00 Lunch

  • Departure 

Science and
Consciousness 2023
Wyrd Time

GBP 599
745 US Dollar

excluding travel, board and lodging expenses

Questions: Please do not email faculty directly with any technology or registration issues. If this is your first time purchasing from us, or you need a refresher, we suggest you review our tutorial How to Purchase a Course. If you do not have a user account, you will be required to create one upon your initial purchase. Save your username and password as you will need it to login to access course materials later and to make purchasing faster in the future. If you need technical assistance you can use the chat button located at the bottom, left-hand side of the screen and you can also email our Registrar, Veronica Saldias at registrar@ubiquityuniversity.org.

The most enlightening course I’ve ever been on. Connection between Science & Consciousness is the way forward….. Go and get involved!

Rachel Earing

Extra Information for Ubiquity University Students

This course qualifies for 4 credits for enrolled Ubiquity Students. To obtain academic credit for this independent study opportunity, you will need to pay our normal tuition rate in addition to the fee charged by the Science and Consciousness Conference, and turn in your post-paper for grading. If you would like to import this course for credit, please contact our Registrar at registrar@ubiquityuniversity.org and they will send you a separate Ubiquity University invoice. Cost: BA students – $400, MA students – $800 and PhD students – $1,200.

Requirements for enrolled Degree students to earn 4 Credits:

This course qualifies as an Independent Study Option for Ubiquity University Students.

Required Reading/Watching

End of course essay describing the impact on your life of studying this material

The rules guiding our assignment collection and grading process can be found here: Ubiquity University Grading Policy

Shopping Cart

Dr Vasileios Basios

Senior researcher in the Physics of Complex Systems at the University of Brussels, specialises in self-organisation and emergence in complex matter, with a background in working with Nobel laureate Ilya Prigogine’s team at the Solvay Institutes. 
He delves into the history of scientific ideas and is passionate about a qualitative shift in science, challenging the dominant materialistic-reductionist worldview. Vasileios is an advocate of self-reflection in scientific practice. He aims to contribute insights from the science of complex systems, as they offer essential transformative potential. His goal is to develop a resilient network of individuals, groups and organisations to advance this transformative scientific paradigm. As a member of the steering team of the Galileo Commission, he initiated its working group activities and was the first to establish the so-called “oREgano” working group (with the help of Brenda Dunne, Roger Nelson, Jeff Dunne and Wolfhardt Janu). He is a board member of the ICRL, currently co-chairs the Scientific and Medical Network, and is part of the newly formed Wyrd Research team.

Paolo Morley-Fletcher 

Founder of AtmanWay, an independent consulting company that pioneers a unique approach blending Strategy,Wisdom and Action to facilitate growth and change in leaders, organizations and society at large.
Paolo is the initiator behind the Wisdom Dialogue movement, a global initiative that champions Silence & Dialogue to activate a new Dialogue for humanity. Informed by Silence and sourced out of Wisdom, this Dialogue serves as powerful catalyst to translate Love into Action and foster enduring peace.

Advocate of peace mediation, Paolo spearheaded significant global endeavors, including at the outbreak of the Ukraine conflict, the 24-hour Wisdom Meditation Marathon, and Monthly Wisdom Dialogue Circles to Silence the Guns, and embody our interconnectedness.

As a Global Leader for The Katzenbach Center (PwC’s think-tank) and for The Center for Transformational Presence  Paolo’s impact as Strategist, Coach and Seeker extends worldwide.

Kirsty Lucinda Allan

PG Cert, PG Cert, PG Dip, BSc (Hons), GMBsS
Consciousness researcher, educator and consultant. 
Academically, Kirsty is a post-graduate psychologist with specialisms in psi phenomena, sensory processing sensitivity and well-being. She is also a scholar of Western mystery philosophy.
A ‘highly sensitive person’ with a passion for inclusion, she has a successful career portfolio spanning both arts and science involving leadership with gentle disruption and social change-making at a national level.  As such, she coaches other highly sensitive aspirational people to leverage their innate, intuitive capacities as powerful strengths for transformation, manifestation and illuminative leadership.

Benjamin J. Butler

Benjamin’s life motto is “walk a colourful path”. 
Benjamin J Butler is a former investor and now writer, futurist, and vision guide. Whilst continuing to forecast futures, he is an evangelist for our transition to a technologically-advanced ecological civilisation. His unique perspective comes from living in Asia for 20 years and being a holistic thinker. 
He has been a long term practitioner of Zen and the Tao, having been based out of Asia for 22 years. In his early twenties he moved to Japan, where he learnt the Japanese language and culture – and encountered Zen.
Many international organisations have sought his perspective on futures. He has spoken internationally at institutions from the United Nations to the World Economic Forum. He  holds positions as a futurist advisor with a number of organisations such as Zurich-based Horasis, the American Renewable Energy Institute , the UN’s Resilience Frontiers initiative, which uses collective intelligence to create desirable futures for 2030-2050. 
“We are at a turning point, a new epoch for humanity. The new civilization needs universities of the futue and I imagine Ubiquity University to be a forerunner where one can apprentice in the skills and capabilities of the new paradigm.”

Dr. Jeffrey Dunne

Dr. Jeffrey Dunne is the President and Chairman of the Board of the International Consciousness Research Laboratories (ICRL), a charitable research organization established in the late 1990’s to build upon the foundation laid through the research carried out at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) Laboratory.  In addition to his role with ICRL, Jeff is a systems engineer and researcher in the fields of data science and artificial intelligence at the Johns Hopkins University, where he augments his focus on the nature of consciousness with skills in a wide range of technical disciplines, from signal processing and acoustics to data fusion and linguistics.  Jeff is also an award-winning author and playwright.  With his recently published novel, Nexus, he weaves together the scientific and the spiritual to introduce the principle of syntropy to readers of any age and background, showcasing the importance of finding balance at every scale—personal, societal, and global.  Dr. Dunne holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, as well as M.S. and Ph.D. in Experimental Physics.

Luigi Sciambarella

Luigi is a UK-based Monroe Institute Trainer and Board Member and UKCP-registered hypno-psychotherapist. Since 2010, Luigi has been involved in expanding Monroe’s international reach through global collaborations, talks, interviews and podcasts, and Expand app content creation. Luigi holds qualifications in Psychology and Psychotherapy and is involved in teaching and accrediting hypno-psychotherapy students through the UK’s National College of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy. His mission is to increase awareness of the Monroe Institute and build a vibrant international community.

Dr. David Luke

Dr David Luke is Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Greenwich, UK, where he has been teaching an undergraduate course on the Psychology of Exceptional Human Experience since 2009, and he is also Honorary Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Psychedelic Research, Imperial College London, and Lecturer on the MSc Consciousness, Spirituality and Transpersonal Psychology for Alef Trust and Liverpool John Moores University. His research focuses on transpersonal experiences, anomalous phenomena and altered states of consciousness, especially via psychedelics, having published more than 100 academic papers in this area, including thirteen books, such as Otherworlds: Psychedelics and Exceptional Human Experience (2nd ed., 2019). When he is not running clinical drug trials with LSD, conducting DMT field experiments or observing apparent weather control with Mexican shamans he directs the Ecology, Cosmos and Consciousness salon at the Institute of Ecotechnics, London, and is a cofounder and trustee of Breaking Convention: International Conference on Psychedelic Consciousness. He has given over 400 invited public lectures and conference presentations; won teaching, research and writing awards; organised numerous festivals, conferences, symposia, seminars, retreats, expeditions, pagan cabarets and pilgrimages; and has studied techniques of consciousness alteration from South America to India, from the perspective of scientists, shamans and Shivaites. He lives life on the edge, of Sussex.

HH Khedrupchen Rinpoche

Monla Khedrup Rinpoche (also referred to as Khedrupchen Rinpoche) was born in 1990 in Eastern Bhutan. He was recognized and enthroned as the fifth reincarnation of Kyabgon Monla Khedrup Jigme Kundrol, a renowned scholar and practitioner from Bhutan who was one of the main students of Jigme Lingpa, a highly revered and realized teacher of eighteenth century Tibet.

Rinpoche started his formal monastic education from the age of thirteen in Phagchok Monastery in Eastern Bhutan under the guidance of Lama Kunzang Namdrol. In 2006, he joined Mindrolling College in India for nine years of advanced Buddhist studies in sutras and tantras where he graduated in 2015 with an acharya degree (equivalent to a Ph.D.). Upon completion he was appointed teaching faculty at Mindrolling, a great honor, and taught there for three years. He has studied directly under many eminent Buddhist teachers across various sects of Tibetan Buddhism. His main teachers are the late His Holiness the Fourth Dodrupchen Rinpoche, Dzongsar Jamyang Khyenste Rinpoche, Dza Jigme Namgyal, Namkhai Nyingpo Rinpoche, Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche and Khenchen Katayana. He has also completed several years of intensive short and long-term meditation retreats.

Rinpoche is Founder and President of Khedrup Foundation, a non-profit religious organization registered in Bhutan, Supreme Head of Rephel Mebar Lhakhang, a 1,200-year old temple of great historical significant in Trongsa, Central Bhutan, and Founder and Spiritual Director of Sangchen Ogyen Tsuklag Monastery in Trongsa, Central Bhutan and Phajo Gonpa Gomde, a yogi retreat center, in Samdrup Jongkhar, Eastern Bhutan.

Rinpoche’s activities often consist of putting wisdom and compassion into social action. In 2016, he founded Siddhartha’s Wisdom Club to introduce Buddhist wisdom and values for youth, helping them live in harmony with their inner and outer nature, particularly connecting inner well-being with environmental preservation. In 2017, he founded the Ami-Deva Association for elder citizens to help create a community of connection and belonging where they can deeply practice meditation for inner well-being. Additionally, Rinpoche is involved in numerous humanitarian activities across the country in a range of areas.

Rinpoche travels around the world teaching and collaborating with scholars and practitioners in universities, institutes, and centers in order to innovate new skillful-means for teaching Buddha-Dharma in a modern context and to continue the lineages of Buddhism for future generations.

Karen Darke

Karen could be described as a modern-day ‘Alchemist’: a keynote speaker, learning & development specialist turned mindset- heartset coach, ‘explorer in residence’ with the Scottish Royal Geographical Society, athlete, author and leader of transformational journeys. Karen’s purpose is about helping individuals and organisations ‘Find Inner Gold’: turning challenge into opportunity, turning ‘mud’ into ‘gold’. Karen started out as a geologist researching gold in the Bolivian Andes, but a life-changing accident that left her paralysed led her away from being a ‘rock-doctor’ to winning Paralympic gold in the sport of Paralympic hand-cycling in Rio 2016. It was the 79th medal for Britain, and 79 being the elemental number for Gold led to Karen creating Quest 79. The project has Karen hand-cycling 7 continents in 9 iconic rides, raising funds for charities and encouraging many people to step out of their comfort zones and discover passion, purpose, strength and other aspects of their ‘inner gold’.

She is a multiple Guinness World Record holder for a 2018 landspeed arm-power handbike record, and a 2022-23 crossing to create the ‘Pole of Possibility’ in Antarctica, a project to inspire possibility thinking and what can be enabled with positive mindset, collaboration, connection and technology. From skiing across icecaps to kayak journeys at extreme latitudes and hand-cycle treks in the world’s biggest mountain ranges, Karen is a passionate advocate for the value of nature and the power of an ‘adventure mindset’ for everyday life. These experiences combined with unique studies of mind, resilience and performance have led to Karen helping people spiral into positivity and possibility, embracing all of life’s experiences as opportunities to learn and grow. Karen has extensively studied what goes on ‘inside’: the power of the mind and language to positively impact emotions; improving presence, performance and wellbeing.

Rev. Dr. Calen Rayne

D.Min., Wisdom University
M.F.A., Naropa University
B.A., Purdue University

Rev. Dr. Rayne is a Unitarian Universalist Lay Community Minister and Spiritual Director in Buxton, Maine and also serves as Director of Organizational Architecture for Ubiquity University. Calen is a member of our core faculty for the Chartres Academy.
In both his Spiritual Direction and Earth Medicine practices, Dr. Rayne draws on decades of experience and training in following disciplines: labyrinth, reiki, kaballah, meditation, energy healing, Himalayan singing bowl, earth energies, feng shui/space clearing, dowsing, contemplative brush, Egyptian Bio-geometry, alchemy, sacred geometry, Druid geomancy, psychomanteum and medical intuitive work. He has trained with alchemists of the first religion of the Himalayas (nameless religion), known as “patterns of heaven and earth” or “sacred conventions.”
Dr. Rayne builds labyrinths, designs and consults on sacred landscapes, and produces energy mandalas and altars for healing for a global clientele. Visit themonklibrary .com for more about Calen’s work.
Calen teaches Energetics of Art (1, 2 and 3) and is faculty at the Chartres Academy and Science and Consciousness.

Bernard Carr

Bernard Carr is Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy at Queen Mary University of London. For his PhD he studied the first second of the universe with Stephen Hawking at Cambridge University and Caltech. He then held Research Fellowships at Trinity College and the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge before moving to Queen Mary in 1985. He has also held Visiting Professorships at various institutes in America, Canada and Japan. His professional area of research is cosmology and astrophysics and includes such topics as the early universe, black holes, dark matter and the anthropic principle. He is the author of around 300 papers and the books Universe or Multiverse? and Quantum Black Holes. He is very interested in the role of consciousness, regarding this as a fundamental rather than incidental feature of the Universe, and he is developing a new physical paradigm, which accommodates normal, paranormal and mystical experiences. He also has a long-standing interest in the relationship between science and religion and views psychical research as forming a bridge between them. He is President of the Scientific and Medical Network and a former President of the Society for Psychical Research.

Dr. Wolfhardt Janu

Dr Wolfhardt Janu is core faculty for the Hack your World courses. ​​He holds a PhD in chemistry and worked for 10 years in academic research. He then moved to be a freelancer in software and hardware development for customized laboratory solutions.
At the same time he set up his own private laboratory to investigate the relationship between matter and consciousness, his main scientific interest for 25 years. Together with his colleagues and friends he developed a new method to scan the output of two random number event generators (REG’s) for correlations, which enables one to detect with high precision changes in a non-local field, mainly known as the field of consciousness.

On his journey, he has been practicing Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu for 19 years, discovered African Shamanism (Sangoma) and (co-)led several private scientific teams investigating the “paranormal” in theory and practice. In 2007 he got to know the work of Ken Wilber and since then he and his team(s) have been using the Integral map as the main tool to navigate and communicate on the margins of the so-called “unknown”.
Wolfhardt Janu is married, has two children and lives in Austria.

Dr. Peter Merry

Peter Merry received an M.Sc. in Human Ecology from Edinburgh University, a B.A. Combined Honours in French and German from Exeter University, and a Ph.D. from Ubiquity University.

Peter serves as Ubiquity University’s Chief Innovation Officer. He is a recognised expert in the field of evolutionary systems dynamics and Spiral Dynamics Integral in particular. His first book was published in English and Dutch (Evolutionary Leadership, 2005) and his second in 2019 (Why Work? on designing work for people and planet). His third book Leading from the Field was published at the end of November 2020. He has an MSc in Human Ecology from Edinburgh University and a PhD from Ubiquity’s Wisdom School on volution theory (see www.volutiontheory.net). His personal website is www.petermerry.org. His academic profile with papers can be found at https://ubiquityuniversity.academia.edu/PeterMerry/Papers.

Peter teaches the Transformational Leadership, Merry Musings and Introduction to Energetics courses as well as hosting the annual Science and Consciousness event.

Steve Taylor

Steve Taylor PhD is the author of many best-selling books on psychology and spirituality, as well as three volumes of poetry. He is a senior lecturer in psychology at Leeds Beckett University and a past chair of the Transpersonal Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society. His new book is DisConnected: The Roots of Human Cruelty and How Connection Can Heal the World. His books have been published in more than 20 languages, and his articles and essays have been published in many academic journals, magazines and newspapers, including The Psychologist, Philosophy Now, The Journal of Humanistic Psychology and The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology. He regularly appears in the media in the UK, and is a regular presenter of Prayer for the Day on BBC Radio 4. He writes blog articles for The Conversation and Psychology Today. Eckhart Tolle has described his work as ‘an important contribution to the global shift in consciousness that is taking place at present.’

Donna Thomas

Donna is a research fellow at the University of Central Lancashire and author of Children’s Unexplained Experiences in a Post Materialist World (2023). With a background in linguistics and social science, Donna has researched with children, young people and adults for twenty years, focusing on living experience, identity, self and semiosis. Since 2018, Donna’s focus has been researching the nature of consciousness, self and extra sensory experiences with children to support transformation of social systems. Donna has published several academic articles and writes public interest pieces. Donna’s work can be found at https://donnamthomas.com.

Marc Wittmann

Marc Wittmann, Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health, Freiburg, Germany. Marc Wittmann studied Psychology and Philosophy at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, and the University of Munich, Germany. He received his Ph.D. (1997) and his habilitation (2007) at the Institute of Medical Psychology, Medical School, University of Munich (LMU). Between 2004 and 2009 he was Research Fellow at the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Diego. Since 2009 he is employed at the Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health, Freiburg, Germany. He is author of the books Felt Time (2016) and Altered States of Consciousness (2018), both published by MIT Press.

Paula Petry

Paula holds a doctoral degree in Teaching and Learning from the University of Miami. After a long career at its medical school in the department of pediatrics, she resigned feeling there was a better way. The void gave way to the most improbable transformative healing. She traveled and studied with experts on the Akashic Records, shamanic energy medicine, and sound healing modalities. Her 2020 memoir, A Mother’s Courage to Awaken, Hope and Inspiration from My Daughter’s Journey in the AfterLife, helps others live courageous inner lives. Paula is a public speaker, has a private practice, and facilitates a weekly Power of 8 healing group. Her passion for helping today’s struggling youth has resulted in her curriculum, Destiny Code, teaching the precepts found in indigenous wisdom through the lens of science. She works in several capacities with Ubiquity University, its youth initiative, Humanity Rising guest, and teaches the course, The Power of Regenerative Grief.



David Vernon

David Vernon is a psychologist specializing in neuroscience, cognition and research methods. His research interests include parapsychology, enhancing human performance, creativity, and neurofeedback. In particular, he is interested in the implications of psi research for models and theories of consciousness.

