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Time, Consciousness and Past Lives with Esperide Ananas Ametista

Pre-Recorded Course

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Faculty: Esperide Ananas Ametista, Hon PhD
Academic Credit: Masters – 1 credits; Doctoral – 1 credits / Choose Audit if you don’t pursuit a degree at Ubiquity.
Enrollment: This course is available both to enrolled students and lifelong learners
Email our Registrar Veronica Saldias for more information

Course Description:

Exploring the Past as a Territory, Making Meaningful Choices for the Future

What people will get out of the course:

– a fascinating, comprehensive and unusual perspective on Time that can change their very relation with life, and open the way for a new,

deeper understanding of reality;

  • an understanding of the most recent theories on time and its connection to consciousness;
  • The re-activation of personal memories connected to different civilizations, also through powerful meditations;
  • A new hypothesis on the nature of the soul;
  • Meaningful and unexpected insights into important civilizations of the past;
  • An understanding of extraterrestrial presence in some ancient civilizations, and why it can be relevant today;
  • A fascinating insight into the fabled civilization of Atlantis: that if it really existed? What could we learn from their excellencies and their mistakes?

This course is based on the book
33 Lives from the Book of Time
, in which the author Esperide Ananas shares her 25 years of research into the timelines of many individuals. We will consider time as a territory, in which we can travel in all directions. Just as mountains exist alongside forests, deserts and ocean, on the map of time all eras are present simultaneously. For each one of us, this means that what is normally referred to as “past lives” are not really past but rather contemporaneous existences we can tap into, to heal or find new power and inspiration.

Consider time as a territory, in which to travel in all directions: just as mountains exist alongside forests, deserts and ocean, on the map of time all eras are present simultaneously. The purpose of this seminar is to bring back to consciousness our memories of nodal points from the map of time, moments in which we’ve faced huge changes and challenges— individually and collectively.

Re-activating the wisdom these experiences in these parallel times gave us can empower us to shift our consciousness today, helping us making decisions with a broader perspective and a better understanding of humanity’s journey of spiritual evolution.

The course is based on the book “33 Lives from the Book of Time. Stories and Science to remind you Who you Are” in which Esperide shares her 25 years of research along the timelines of many individuals.

In the first session we discuss the most recent discoveries on time and its connection to consciousness, understanding how what is normally referred to as “past lives” are not really past, rather contemporaneous existences we can tap into, to heal or find new power and inspiration.

In the following three sessions, we examine the meaning of life in different epochs, sharing insights and information that can help us better understand the times in which we live now.

Every session includes a guided meditation to bring you in touch with time as a living dimension, and help you remember your own extension across time.

Weekly Program:

1. What is time? 

An exploration of time as as territory, its interaction with consciousness and the possibility of existing contemporaneously in different moments.

2. Life as a Program of Awakening

Star people, the ancient Sumerians and Babylonians: building civilizations to mirror the Cosmic Plan

3. Life as a Collective Mission

Atlantis: forging the human spirit to realize humankind’s ultimate goal of Awakening.

4. Life as an Extension of Nature’s Consciousness

The Celts, very ancient Greece, the indigenous people of Australia: breathing as one with the rhythms of life.

What people will get out of the course:

– a fascinating, comprehensive and unusual perspective on Time that can change their very relation with life, and open the way for a new,

deeper understanding of reality;

  • an understanding of the most recent theories on time and its connection to consciousness;
  • The re-activation of personal memories connected to different civilizations, also through powerful meditations;
  • A new hypothesis on the nature of the soul;
  • Meaningful and unexpected insights into important civilizations of the past;
  • An understanding of extra-terrestrial presence in some ancient civilizations, and why it can be relevant today;
  • A fascinating insight into the fabled civilization of Atlantis: that if it really existed? What could we learn from their excellencies and their mistakes?


Esperide Ananas Ametista, Hon PhD: psycho-sociologist, with two MAs in literature and communication, Esperide is a spiritual healer, coach and meditation instructor. She is a consultant for international companies and institutions in projects connected to sustainable development, personal growth, creativity and future scenarios. Coach and story-teller, Esperide has been conducting research on the paths of time for nearly 30 years, helping many people around the world to remember their other lives. Her work is inspired by the tradition of Damanhur, a school of knowledge and a spiritual movement known for the Temples of Humankind, an artwork dedicated to universal mythology. International speaker and facilitator, she is the author of several books on spirituality; her latest work is “33 Lives from the Book of Time. Stories and Science to remind you of who you are”, dedicated to time and consciousness

Requirements for enrolled Degree students to earn 1 Credit:

  • End of course essay on describing the impact on your life of studying this material
    • For BA students – 6-9 pages in length
    • For MA students – 10-15 pages in length
    • For PhD students – 20-25 pages in length


The rules guiding our assignment collection and grading process can be found here: Ubiquity University Grading Policy

Information about how we process refund or cancellation requests can be found here: Refund and Cancellation Policy

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