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Women in Leadership

Nanocourse Description:

It is not a secret that the world is undergoing a massive transformation. The confluence of events around globalization, the significant challenges we face as a species from the ravages of climate change, and the exponential nature of technological advancements such as artificial intelligence are creating a turbulent and disrupted environment that requires leadership from all peoples at all levels. Despite our need to engage all humans in the exercise of leadership, women still face significant societal and institutional barriers to exercising their full influence in the political and socio-economic sphere. The purpose of this nanocourse is to give women, and men, a new way to think about leadership, power and influence. To reach our true potential, we need to address these issues as women, but also to share what we know with the men in our lives when it is safe to do so. We can maximize our potential, develop competencies and share our experiences, but we also need others to cooperate with us in order to ensure we are all moving forward into a new century with a shared appreciation for the other. At Ubiquity University, we support the United Nations, UN Women and the “HeForShe” campaign. More information can be found at the HeForShe Campaign website. We encourage all women who are interested in exercising leadership to review their materials, raise awareness around the campaign, and encourage both men and women to work together for the greater good.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this nanocourse you should be able to:

  • understand various challenges women in leadership regularly experience;
  • articulate why a hypercomplex future offers women leaders a competitive advantage;
  • be able to explain the subtle differences between power and influence; and,
  • act on practical advice on unleashing your leadership potential from a former executive.


Shelly Alcorn, CAE is the Chief Curriculum Officer at Ubiquity University and specializes in operations, curriculum development and programming. Shelly stands at the intersection of technology, the education-to-employment system and the organization of the hypercomplex future. She is a frequent keynote speaker on critical issues faced by society. Shelly was formerly the Executive Director of the California Association for the Education of Young Children (CAEYC) which was a 501(c)(3) organization with over 10,000 members in California in 37 separately incorporated affiliates. She was also the Executive Director for the Automotive Service Councils of California (ASCCA), a 501(c)(6) trade organization representing the interests of over 1,300 independently owned automotive repair facilities in California.  In that role she was also responsible for oversight of a for-profit subsidiary, insurance brokerage firm and a 501(c)(3) entity. She holds the CAE (Certified Association Executive) designation from the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE).

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Single nanocourses do not qualify for academic credit. However, enrolled students can add twelve nanocourses together, purchase a Nanocourse Credit Conversion option, pay the difference between the cost of the nanocourses and a regular trimester course at their degree level and submit a Final Creative Assignment for grading. For assistance with this, please email our Registrar at

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