Learning Pathways – Degrees

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Bachelor of Arts (BA) Programs

A Ubiquity BA is your creation. We require some core courses that we want every student to take and then we work with you to shape your own major area of concentration. Because of the importance we place on bringing people together to solve global challenges, Ubiquity concentrates on developing soft skills and gaining knowledge about global challenges centered on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Our programs are designed to instill in you the key qualities you need to link your passion with solving global challenges to bring sustainable and generative health and wellbeing to individuals, communities and the planet.

Ubiquity currently offers three Bachelors degrees:

  • Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Global Skills, Sustainability and Regeneration
  • “FlexBA” Bachelor of Arts (BA) – Self-Styled Program
  • Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Integral Transpersonal Psychology


Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Global Skills, Sustainability and Regeneration

This is Ubiquity’s interpretation of the classical liberal arts as applied in a 21st Century context. It blends the development of key essential skills such as critical thinking with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Largely self-designed, it sets certain core courses in place and then allows you to explore the world as you see fit.

Prerequisite to Join: High School Diploma

Admissions Process: Complete an initial interview with our Director of Admissions, then submit all materials prior to registering for courses.

Program Outcomes

By the end of this program you should be able to:

  • Understand yourself, your unique talents and your place in the world.
  • Articulate the connections between ourselves, our planetary home and our place in the universe.
  • Use a variety of essential skills to accelerate your own development as a lifelong leaner and improve your prospects in the pursuit of your personal goals.
  • Apply a cutting-edge set of tools and skills to create change in humanity’s consciousness in order to contribute to building a more sustainable and regenerative world.

This BA Degree is composed of 120 credits

Core Courses (24 Credits): A set of 8 (eight) required macrocourses

  1. Meeting Global Challenges – Foundation in Soft Skills (Shelly Alcorn, UU)
  2. Teamwork and Collaboration – Cosmopolitan Communication (Kazuma Matoba, PhD – AIS)
  3. Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship – Leading Change (Cynthia Scott, UU)
  4. Emotional Intelligence – Integral Flourishing – Parts One and Two (Lee Mason, UU)
  5. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving – Foundation of Critical Thinking for Learning and Life (Linda Elder, PhD)
  6. Leadership – Transformational Leadership, Strategy and Governance (Peter Merry, PhD -UU)
  7. Building Global Community – Great Books (Jim Garrison, PhD and Gyorgyi Szabo, PhD – UU)

Elective Courses (96 Credits): A set of 34 elective macrocourses, or combined microcourses, nanocourses, live webinars or in-person learning journeys. These may be Ubiquity Courses, courses from our Approved Providers, or courses you import for credit. See more information in our Ubiquity University Student Handbook.The latest selection of our courses is available here.

Dissertation: At the end of your degree, you are requested to write a dissertation, which must not exceed 10,000 words.

Pay per course: US$ 300
Total program cost: Approximately US$ 12,000

Read more about this program in the Ubiquity University Student Handbook


Ubiquity FlexBA – Self-Styled Bachelor of Arts Degree

Nobody knows you better than…you! This BA program is a completely self-designed learning program where you work with our Dean of Undergraduate Studies and our academic advisors to define your pathway, independent learning opportunities and course selection both inside and outside of Ubiquity.

Prerequisite to Join: High School Diploma

Admissions Process: Complete an initial interview with our Director of Admissions, then submit all materials prior to registering for courses.

Program Outcomes

By the end of this program you should be able to:

  • Understand yourself, your unique talents and your place in the world.
  • Use a variety of essential skills to accelerate your own development as a lifelong leaner and improve your prospects in the pursuit of your personal goals.
  • Develop a more holistic understanding of humans and the world in order to unleash your passions and talents in a way that benefits yourself and the global society we live in.
  • Apply a cutting-edge set of tools and skills to create change in humanity’s consciousness in order to contribute to building a more sustainable and regenerative world.
  • Identify and enhance your unique skills and turn them into competencies that are directly connected to your life goals.
  • Clearly identify what you want to study and design the path for further higher studies.

This BA Degree is composed of 120 credits

Core Courses (6 Credits): A set of 2 (two) required macrocourses

  1. Foundation in Soft Skills (Shelly Alcorn, UU)
  2. Great Books (Jim Garrison, PhD and Gyorgyi Szabo, PhD – UU)

Elective Courses (114 Credits): A set of 38 elective macrocourses, or combined microcourses, nanocourses, live webinars or in-person learning journeys. These may be Ubiquity Courses, courses from our Approved Providers, or courses you import for credit. See more information in our Ubiquity University Student Handbook. The latest selection of our courses is available here.

Education Plan

At the beginning of your journey, you will have a consultation with our academic advisors, who will help you draft your plan. You will be asked to prepare a proposal that will meet our criteria for 120 credit hours. Your academic advisor will help you determine how many credits can be earned for various activities. Your potential choices are, but are not limited to:

  • A selection of Ubiquity produced macro, micro and nanocourses, live webinars and in-person learning journeys
  • A selection of courses by Ubiquity partners
  • Outside courses from sources like Coursera, etc.
  • Outside activities such as retreats, conferences and events held by reputable organizations
  • Self-study options such as reading books and writing post-papers using APA style to demonstrate your understanding and application of the materials
  • Other options you may suggest and that we mutually agree upon

External study and self-study options include a $100 per credit fee which is our normal rate and which allows us to evaluate your post-papers, issue grades for final Creative Assignments, and extend academic credit.

Dissertation: At the end of your degree, you are requested to write a dissertation, which must not exceed 10,000 words.

Pay per course: US$ 300
Total program cost: Approximately US$ 12,000. Outside provider costs are your responsibility and are in addition to our normal credit fees for evaluating your work and helping you manage your learning program.

Read more about this program in the Ubiquity University Student Handbook


Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Integral Transpersonal Psychology

This program will enable you to develop knowledge and understanding within and across specific subject areas of Psychology from an Integral and Transpersonal standpoint. It is a combination of learning, self-reflection, and application.

Ubiquity is excited to establish a strategic partnership with the Integral Transpersonal Institute (ITI) to offer this BA degree to learners who wish to work within the domain of helping relationships.

Prerequisite to Join: High School Diploma

Admissions Process: Complete an initial interview with our Director of Admissions, then submit all materials prior to registering for courses.

Program Outcomes

By the end of this program you should be able to:

  • Develop a more holistic understanding of humans and the world in order to be of service to people in all helping relationships, aiding them through the shock, anxiety and stresses of modern life.
  • Explain and discuss fundamental theories and maps from the integral and transpersonal perspectives and recognize their contribution to the understanding of human behaviour and the relationship with the environment.
  • Apply a cutting-edge set of tools and skills to create change in humanity’s consciousness in order to contribute to building a more sustainable world.
  • Cultivate the capacity of being more available, more psychic and more in tune with nature/the ecofield by moving beyond the mind to include and transcend conventional thinking in a post-conventional fashion.

This BA Degree is composed of 120 credits

Core Courses (18 Credits): A set of 6 (six) core courses 

  1. Foundations of Integral Transpersonal Psychology (Pier Luigi Lattuada, PhD – ITI)
  2. Theories and Methods of Integral Transpersonal Psychology (Pier Luigi Lattuada, PhD – ITI)
  3. Integral Flourishing – Part One (Lee Mason, UU)
  4. Integral Flourishing – Part Two (Lee Mason, UU)
  5. Great Books (Jim Garrison, PhD and Gyorgyi Szabo, PhD – UU)
  6. Foundation in Soft Skills (Shelly Alcorn, UU)

Elective Courses (102 Credits): A set of 34 elective macrocourses, or combined microcourses or nanocourses. The latest selection of courses is available here.

In-Person Learning Journeys (worth 4 credits each)

  1. Beyond the Mind (in-person)  ITI
  2. Chartres Academy (in-person) UU

Dissertation: At the end of your degree, you are requested to write a dissertation, which must not normally exceed 10,000 words.

Pay per course: US$ 300
Total program cost: Approximately US$ 12,000

Read more about this program in the Integral Transpersonal Psychology Student Handbook


Bachelor of Arts (BA) Completion Degrees

A Bachelor of Arts Completion degree enables you to add the credits you have received so far in traditional educational settings where you may not have been able to complete your program, as well as credit for prior learning including work experience, and other sources of learning such as association certifications, etc., equivalent to 90 credit hours and enter into an official BA Completion Process.

If you are able to demonstrate you meet the admissions criteria, we help you develop knowledge and understanding within and across specific subject areas. This degree, like others at Ubiquity, is a combination of learning, self-reflection, and application. At Ubiquity this is focused in particular on the opportunities available in solving the major societal and ecological challenges currently facing humanity.

Ubiquity currently offers two Bachelor of Arts Completion degrees:

  • Bachelor of Arts Completion (BA) in Global Skills, Sustainability and Regeneration
  • Bachelor of Arts Completion (BA) in Integral Transpersonal Psychology


BA Completion in Global Skills, Sustainability and Regeneration

Our dedication and commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is the inspiration behind the creation of this program. If you are seeking to deepen your knowledge about global challenges, innovative solutions and leadership, this is a program for you!

Admissions Process: Complete an initial interview with our Director of Admissions, then submit all materials prior to registering for courses.

Program Goals

By the end of your BA Completion program you should be able to:

  • Understand, analyze and explain global challenges as an integral dynamic system
  • Communicate and collaborate effectively with people from different backgrounds
  • Explain what is needed for complex problem-solving
  • Think critically about information
  • Reflect on your own mindset and inner experience
  • Manage your own personal development pathway to bring out your highest potential for positive impact
  • Demonstrate understanding of one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals

This BA Completion Degree is composed of 30 credits


Core Courses (15 Credits): A set of 5 (five) required macrocourses.

  • The Great Books (Jim Garrison, PhD, and Gyorgyi Szabo, PhD, UU)
  • Foundation in Soft Skills (Shelly Alcorn, UU)
  • The Foundations of Critical Thinking for Learning and Everyday Life (Linda Elder, PhD, UU)
  • Transformational Leadership, Strategy and Governance (Peter Merry, PhD, UU)
  • Cosmopolitan Communication (Kazuma Matoba, PhD, UU

Elective Courses (15 Credits): An additional 5 (five) macrocourses, (or equivalent micro-, nano-, or in-person courses), you take based on your interests.

You can choose your elective courses from the selection of online macro, micro and nano courses, and in-person learning journeys.

Prerequisites: Minimum of 90 undergraduate credits or Level 6 Diploma or Equivalent Credit (UK)
Length: 10 courses (30 credits)
Tuition and Fees: US$3,000 (a Ubiquity undergraduate credit is US$100)



BA Completion in Integral Transpersonal Psychology

Ubiquity has a Partnership with the Integral Transpersonal Institute (ITI) in Milan, Italy to offer this BA-Completion degree to learners who have prior counseling training and want to integrate it into an Integral Transpersonal Psychology Bachelor of Arts degree qualification. This program will enable you to deepen your commitment and knowledge in the mental health and healing careers.

Admissions Process: Complete an initial interview with our Director of Admissions, then submit all materials prior to registering for courses.

This BA Completion Degree is composed of 30 credits

Core Courses (15 Credits): A set of 5 (five) required macrocourses.

  1. Foundations of Integral Transpersonal Psychology (Pier Luigi Lattuada, PhD -ITI)
  2. Theories and Methods of Integral Transpersonal Psychology (Pier Luigi Lattuada, PhD – ITI)
  3. Great Books (Jim Garrison, PhD and Gyorgyi Szabo, PhD – UU)
  4. Integral Flourishing Part One (Lee Mason, UU)
  5. Integral Flourishing Part Two (Lee Mason – UU)

Elective Courses (15 Credits): An additional 5 (five) macrocourses, (or equivalent micro-, nano-, or in-person courses), you take based on your interests. See here

Prerequisites: This program is only open to learners who hold one of the following documents:

  • Counseling Skills Certificate from ITI;
  • Diploma of Integral Transpersonal Counseling from ITI; or,
  • Counseling Diploma from an ITI-accredited School

Length: 10 courses (30 credits)
Tuition and Fees: US$3,000 (US$100 per credit)


Read more about this program in the Integral Transpersonal Psychology Student Handbook

[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”MA Degrees” tab_id=”ma-degree”][vc_column_text]

With just the right amount of academic guidance from our faculty and advisers, Ubiquity’s MA degrees are your creation. A certain number of core courses are required to be taken within Ubiquity. For the rest, we work with you to shape your major area of concentration.

Ubiquity currently offers four Masters degrees:

  • Master of Arts (MA) in Wisdom Studies
  • Master of Arts (MA) in Global Skills, Sustainability and Regeneration
  • Master of Arts (MA) in Inner Science
  • Master of Arts (MA) in Integral Transpersonal Psychology


Master of Arts (MA) in Wisdom Studies

This Masters program is open to a spectrum of disciplines and interests. It aims to address a range of problems in almost every area of human and ecological concern. The program is dedicated to supporting you shape and co-create a new global civilization whereby the human species can learn to act as a responsible and caring part of our larger planetary eco-system.

Prerequisites: Undergraduate Degree in any field (transcript with proof of graduation  is required)

Admissions Process: Complete an initial interview with our Dean of Graduate Studies, then submit all materials prior to registering for courses.


This MA Degree is composed of 30 credits

  • Core and elective courses (20 Credits)
  • Dissertation (10 Credits)

Required Core Courses (11 credits):

  • Dissertation Writing and Research Methods with Dr. Gyorgyi Szabo (4 credits in-person)
  • Great Books with Dr. Jim Garrison and Dr. Gyorgyi Szabo (3 credits online)
  • Ubiquity Chartres Academy, meeting annually in Chartres, France (4 credits in-person

An additional 9 credits must be earned through course work approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Tuition and Fees: Approximately US$ 6,000

For more information, see the Ubiquity University Student Handbook

Return to Wisdom School Page


Master of Arts (MA) in Global Skills, Sustainability and Regeneration

This Masters program has been created for real changemakers. Upon completion, you, the student, will be awarded the title “Master of Arts.” At this critical moment in human history, this program will push you forward into the world of impact built around the United Nations’s Sustainability Goals.

Prerequisites: Undergraduate Degree in any field (transcript with proof of graduation is required)

Admissions Process: Complete an initial interview with our Chief Innovation Officer and/or our Director of Admissions and Enrollment, then submit all materials prior to registering for courses.


This MA Degree is composed of 30 credits

  • Core and elective courses (30 Credits)
  • Impact Project with focus on one or more UN SDGs and Targets

Required Core Courses (12 credits):

  • Transformational Leadership, Strategy and Governance with Dr. Peter Merry (3 credits online)
  • Foundation in Soft Skills and UN SDGs with Shelly Alcorn (3 credits online)
  • Leading Change, with Dr. Cynthia Scott (3 credits online)
  • Sustainable Development – Measuring Progress with Azadeh Ardakani (3 credits online)

Required Self-Mastery Courses (6 credits):

Choose two of the following, plus self-mastery coaching and assignments:

  • Integral Flourishing: Part One with Lee Mason (3 credits – online)
  • Integral Flourishing: Part Two with Lee Mason (3 credits – online)
  • Integral Life Practice with Dr. Peter Merry (3 credits – online)

Required Impact Courses (6 credits):

These courses include your Impact Project which serves as your dissertation for this MA. Impact! is required and then you can choose from either of the two additional options.

  • Impact! – the Social Entrepreneurship Pathway (3 credits – online)

Choose from one of the following:

  • High Impact Innovation Design with Julene Siddique, MA, MMus, CERT (3 credits – online)
  • Integral Entrepreneurship Nanocourse Series Parts 1 thru 9 with Dr. Chuck Schreiner (3 credits – online)*

An additional 6 credits must be earned through course work approved by our Chief Innovation Officer.

Tuition and Fees: Approximately US$ 6,000

*If you choose to take the Integral Entrepreneurship Nanocourse Series you will earn a bonus Nanocertificate in Integral Entrepreneurship at no extra charge.

For more information, see the Ubiquity University Student Handbook


Master of Arts (MA) in Inner Science

Ubiquity has a partnership with the Academy of Inner Science in Germany to offer this MA degree to learners who wish to develop knowledge and understanding within and across specific subject areas of physical, life and human science from a standpoint that combines learning, self-reflection, and practical application.

Learn more on the Academy of Inner Science page.

Prerequisites: Undergraduate Degree in any field (transcript with proof of graduation is required) or Level 6 Diploma (UK – Click link to see for comparison)

Admissions Process: Complete an initial interview with our Dean of Graduate Studies and our Director of Admissions, then submit all materials prior to registering for courses.

Special Registration Rules: If you have completed the Timeless Wisdom Training (TWT) you may enroll at any time to complete the MA. If you still have to take Timeless Wisdom Training (TWT) the next opportunities are coming up in 2021 and we can place you on a waiting list for more information. Once you complete TWT, you may enroll to finish the MA. If you have questions regarding this process, please contact Dr. Kazuma Matoba – kazuma.matoba@innerscience.info. Thank you.


This MA Degree is composed of 30 credits

  • Core and elective courses (20 Credits)
  • Dissertation (10 Credits)

AIS Inner Science Core Courses (9 Credits): A set of 2 required courses.

  • Timeless Wisdom Training (TWT) in Germany /USA (Thomas Hübl, AIS – in person) (TWT is a two-year intensive program combining deep mystical practice with profoundly effective human transformation and shadow work. For more information on TWT please visit: https://thomashuebl.com/academy-inner-science/timeless-wisdom-training/)
  • In-Person Learning Journeys (Thomas Hübl & Kazuma Matoba, AIS)

Ubiquity University Core Courses (8 Credits): A set of 2 required courses.

  • Dissertation Writing and Research Methods (Gyorgyi Szabo, UU – in person)
  • Chartres Academy (UU – in-person)

Elective Courses (3 credits):

Once you have completed your core courses, you must choose 1 additional macrocourse. Below is a list of the specific courses that are available for the MA IS.

  • Transformative Inner Science: Foundations (Kazuma Matoba, AIS)
  • Cosmopolitan Communication (Kazuma Matoba, et al., UU)
  • Other AIS course offerings

Tuition and Fees: Approximately USD $12,320 – $13,320

For more information, see the full MA in our AIS Inner Science Handbook


Master of Arts (MA) in Integral Transpersonal Psychology

Ubiquity has a Partnership with the Integral Transpersonal Institute in Milan, Italy to offer this MA degree to learners who want to learn more about a new kind of psychology, without the need for prior psychology/counseling training and who want to integrate their previous academic qualifications into an integral transpersonal psychology Master of Arts degree qualification. This program will enable you to deepen your commitment and knowledge in the mental health and healing careers at a graduate level.

Learn more on the Integral Transpersonal Psychology page.

Prerequisites: Undergraduate Degree in any field (transcript with proof of graduation is required) or Level 6 Diploma (UK – Click link to see for comparison)

Admissions Process: Complete an initial interview with our Dean of Graduate Studies and our Director of Admissions, then submit all materials prior to registering for courses.


This MA Degree is composed of 30 credits

  • Core and elective courses (20 Credits)
  • Dissertation (10 Credits)

5 core courses plus one elective course of your choice:

  • Foundations of Integral Transpersonal Psychology with Dr. Pier Luigi Lattuada, ITI (3 credits online)
  • Theories and Methods of Integral Transpersonal Psychology with Dr. Pier Luigi Lattuada, ITI (3 credits online)
  • Dissertation Writing Course with Dr. Gyorgyi Szabo, (4 credits in-person)
  • Ubiquity Chartres Academy, meeting annually in Chartres, France (4 credits in-person)
  • Integral Flourishing – Part One with Lee Mason (3 credits online)

Length: 6 courses
Tuition and Fees: Approximately US$ 6,000

Read more about this program in the Integral Transpersonal Psychology Student Handbook

[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”PhD Degrees” tab_id=”phd-degree”][vc_column_text]

Upon completion of Ubiquity’s Doctoral Program, you will be awarded the title “Doctor of Philosophy.” This is one of the highest honors society bestows and indicates respect and acknowledgement for an expertise that the larger community can count on for integrity and professional competence.


PhD in Wisdom Studies

Our PhD program is open to a spectrum of disciplines and interests. It aims to address a range of problems in virtually every area of human and ecological concern. Our doctoral program is dedicated to helping you shape and co-create a new global civilization so the human species can learn to act as responsible and respectful stewards of our larger planetary ecosystem.

At every level in the doctoral process, you will be supported. You will be required to take certain core courses and will have the freedom to design the rest of your program in consultation with your mentors and the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Students can select courses from either inside Ubiquity or outside Ubiquity. This means that if there is a course you need to take that is offered through another institution, you are free to do so. Ubiquity’s in-person courses are also available for doctoral credit.

All doctoral students must submit:

  • Transcript of completed Master’s Degree that clearly displays title of your major, date of graduation, list of courses taken and grades received
  • Essay indicating your educational goals and the area of research you want to explore
  • Your most recent resume/CV

Prerequisites: Master’s Degree in any field – transcript with proof of graduation is required (copy of diploma page only is not sufficient)

Admissions Process: Complete an initial interview with our Dean of Graduate Studies, then submit all materials prior to registering for courses.


This PhD Degree is composed of 60 credits

  • Core and elective courses (24 Credits)
  • Dissertation (36 Credits)

3 core courses (11 Credits):

  • Dissertation Writing and Research Methods with Dr. Gyorgyi Szabo (4 credits in-person)
  • Great Books with Dr. Jim Garrison and Dr. Gyorgyi Szabo (3 credits online)
  • Ubiquity Chartres Academy, meeting annually in Chartres, France (4 credits in-person

An additional 13 credits must be earned through course work approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Tuition and Fees

Total Tuition and Fees for the whole Program = $18,000 for 60 credit fees ($300 per credit)*, Dissertation fee, Major Advisor fee, and External Examiner fee.

*This total for courses may fluctuate if courses are taken from outside Ubiquity as Independent Study. To import for credit, you will need to have the Independent Study course approved, write a post-paper to demonstrate what you learned from the course and pay the normal $300 per-credit fee to transfer toward your Ubiquity degree.

In-person courses will include logistics costs (for board and lodging for example) which are not included in the costs above.

Learn more about the program in our Ubiquity University Student Handbook


PhD Partner Programs

Ubiquity has two institutional partnerships in our PhD program:

  • Academy of Inner Sciences for a concentration in Transpersonal Research. This concentration is open to all students of AIS and Ubiquity. More information is available on the partner webpage and in the AIS Inner Science Student Handbook
  • Integral Transpersonal Institute for a concentration in Integral Transpersonal Psychology. This concentration is open to all students interested in this program. More information can be found on the partner webpage and in the ITP Program Student Handbook.

Admissions Process: For the Academy of Inner Sciences, complete an initial interview with our Dean of Graduate Studies, then submit all materials prior to registering for courses. For the ITP program, complete an initial interview with our Dean of Graduate Studies and Director of Admissions, then submit all materials prior to registering for courses.


These PhD Degrees are composed of 60 credits

  • Core and elective courses (24 Credits)
  • Dissertation (36 Credits)

Doctoral students must complete three core courses offered by Ubiquity University as well as write a doctoral dissertation. The remaining courses can be taken from Ubiquity or elsewhere as specific courses related to the chosen field of study. Full lists of electives that are available to PhD partner students are included in the Student Handbooks.

3 core courses (11 credits):

  • Dissertation Writing and Research Methods with Dr. Gyorgyi Szabo (4 credits in-person)
  • Great Books with Dr. Jim Garrison and Dr. Gyorgyi Szabo (3 credits online)
  • Ubiquity Chartres Academy, meeting annually in Chartres, France (4 credits in-person)

An additional 13 credits must be earned through course work approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Tuition and Fees

Total Tuition and Fees for the whole Program = $18,000 for 60 credit fees ($300 per credit)*, Dissertation fee, Major Advisor fee, and External Examiner fee.

*This total for courses may fluctuate if courses are taken from outside Ubiquity as Independent Study. To import for credit, you will need to have the Independent Study course approved, write a post-paper to demonstrate what you learned from the course and pay the normal $300 per-credit fee to transfer toward your Ubiquity degree.

In-person courses will include logistics costs (for board and lodging for example) which are not included in the costs above.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”DMin Degrees” tab_id=”dmin-degree”][vc_column_text]

The Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degree is a professional doctorate. Like an MD (Doctor of Medicine), a JD (Doctor of Jurisprudence), EdD (Doctor of Education), or DBA (Doctor of Business), a DMin is specific to the pastoral and therapeutic communities. It arose originally for ministers seeking a doctoral degree but who were less interested in the pure research required for a PhD, and more interested in the applied research in areas of healing, therapy, spiritual growth and counseling where the dissertation was in an area they were seeking to apply in their professional work.

Upon completion of Ubiquity’s Doctor of Ministry program, you will be awarded the title “Doctor of Ministry.” This is one of the highest honors society bestows and indicates respect and acknowledgment for expertise that the larger community can count on for integrity and professional competence.

Doctor of Ministry (DMin) in Engaged Wisdom

Our Doctor of Ministry (DMin) program is open to a spectrum of disciplines and interests. It aims to address a range of problems in virtually every area of human and ecological concern. Our doctoral program is dedicated to helping you shape and co-create a new global civilization so the human species can learn to act as responsible and respectful stewards of our larger planetary ecosystem.

At every level in the doctoral process, you are supported by mentors and coaches. You will be required to take certain core courses and will have the freedom to design the rest of your program in consultation with your mentors and the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Students can select courses from either inside Ubiquity or outside Ubiquity. This means that if there is a course you need to take that is offered through another institution, you are free to do so. Ubiquity’s in-person courses are also available for doctoral credit.

Admissions Process: Complete an initial interview with our Dean of Graduate Studies, then submit all materials prior to registering for courses.

All doctoral students must submit:

  • Transcript of completed Master’s Degree that clearly displays title of your major, date of graduation, list of courses taken and grades received
  • Essay indicating your educational goals and the area of research you want to explore
  • Your most recent resume/CV


This DMin Degree is composed of 60 credits

  • Core and elective courses (36 Credits)
  • Dissertation (24 Credits)

Doctoral students must complete three core courses offered by Ubiquity University as well as write a doctoral dissertation. The remaining courses can be taken from Ubiquity or elsewhere as specific courses related to the chosen field of study.

3 core courses (11 credits):

  • Dissertation Writing and Research Methods with Dr. Gyorgyi Szabo (4 credits in-person)
  • Great Books with Dr. Jim Garrison and Dr. Gyorgyi Szabo (3 credits online)
  • Ubiquity Chartres Academy, meeting annually in Chartres, France (4 credits in-person)

An additional 25 credits must be earned through course work approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Tuition and Fees

Total Tuition and Fees for the whole Program = $18,000 for 60 credit fees ($300 per credit)*, Dissertation fee, Major Advisor fee, and External Examiner fee.

*This total for courses may fluctuate if courses are taken from outside Ubiquity as Independent Study. To import for credit, you will need to have the Independent Study course approved, write a post-paper to demonstrate what you learned from the course and pay the normal $300 per credit fee.

In-person courses will include logistics costs (for board and lodging for example) which are not included in the costs above.

For more information, see this document:
Ubiquity University Student Handbook

Return to Wisdom School Page

[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Combined MA-PhD Degrees” tab_id=”ma-phd-degree”][vc_column_text]

Upon completion of Ubiquity’s Doctoral Program, you will be awarded the title “Doctor of Philosophy.” This is one of the highest honors society bestows and indicates respect and acknowledgement for an expertise that the larger community can count on for integrity and professional competence.

Combined MA-PhD in Wisdom Studies

Our MA-PhD program program is open to a spectrum of disciplines and interests. It aims to address a range of problems in virtually every area of human and ecological concern. This program is dedicated to helping you envision and co-create a new global civilization in which the human species can become responsible and respectful stewards of our larger planetary ecosystem.

At every level in the masters-doctoral process you are supported by faculty and peers. You will be required to take certain core courses and will have the freedom to design the rest of your program in consultation with your mentors and the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Students can select courses from either inside Ubiquity or outside Ubiquity. This means that if there is a course you need to take that is offered through another institution, you are free to do so. Ubiquity’s in-person courses are also available for masters-doctoral credit.

Admissions Process: Complete an initial interview with our Dean of Graduate Studies, then submit all materials prior to registering for courses.

All doctoral students must submit:

  • Transcript of completed Master’s Degree that clearly displays title of your major, date of graduation, list of courses taken and grades received
  • Essay indicating your educational goals and the area of research you want to explore
  • Your most recent resume/CV


This combined MA/PhD Degree is composed of 80 credits

  • Core and elective courses (44 Credits)
  • Dissertation (36 Credits)

Doctoral students must complete three core courses offered by Ubiquity University as well as write a doctoral dissertation. The remaining courses can be taken from Ubiquity or elsewhere as specific courses related to the chosen field of study.

3 core courses (11 Credits):

  • Dissertation Writing and Research Methods with Dr. Gyorgyi Szabo (4 credits in-person)
  • Great Books with Dr. Jim Garrison and Dr. Gyorgyi Szabo (3 credits online)
  • Ubiquity Chartres Academy, meeting annually in Chartres, France (4 credits in-person)

An additional 33 credits must be earned through course work approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Tuition and Fees

Total Tuition and Fees for the whole Program = $22,000 for 80 credit fees ($300 per credit)*, Dissertation fee, Major Advisor fee, and External Examiner fee.

*This total for courses may fluctuate if courses are taken from outside Ubiquity as Independent Study. To import for credit, you will need to have the Independent Study course approved, write a post-paper to demonstrate what you learned from the course and pay the normal $300 per credit fee.

In-person courses will include logistics costs (for board and lodging for example) which are not included in the costs above.

For more information, see this document:
Ubiquity University Student Handbook

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The Doctor of Ministry degree is one of the professional doctorates. Like an MD (Doctor of Medicine), a JD (Doctor of Jurisprudence), EdD (Doctor of Education), or DBA (Doctor of Business), a DMin is specific to the pastoral and therapeutic communities. It arose originally for ministers seeking a doctoral degree but who were less interested in the pure research required for a PhD than in applied research in areas of healing, therapy, spiritual growth and counseling where the dissertation relates more directly to their professional work.

Upon completion of Ubiquity’s Doctor of Ministry program, you will be awarded the title “Doctor of Ministry.” This is one of the highest honors society bestows and indicates respect and acknowledgement for an expertise that the larger community can count on for integrity and professional competence.

Combined MA-DMin

Our combined MA-DMin (Doctor of Ministry) program is open to a spectrum of disciplines and interests. It aims to address a range of problems in virtually every area of human and ecological concern. This program is dedicated to helping you envision and co-create a new global civilization in which the human species can become responsible and respectful stewards of our larger planetary ecosystem.

At every level in the masters-doctoral process you are supported by mentors and coaches. You will be required to take certain core courses and will have the freedom to design the rest of your program in consultation with your mentors and the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Students can select courses from either inside Ubiquity or outside Ubiquity. This means that if there is a course you need to take that is offered through another institution, you are free to do so. Ubiquity’s in-person courses are also available for masters-doctoral credit.

Admissions Process: Complete an initial interview with our Dean of Graduate Studies, then submit all materials prior to registering for courses.

All doctoral students must submit:

  • Transcript of completed Master’s Degree that clearly displays title of your major, date of graduation, list of courses taken and grades received
  • Essay indicating your educational goals and the area of research you want to explore
  • Your most recent resume/CV


This combined MA/DMin Degree is composed of 80 credits

  • Core and elective courses (56 Credits)
  • Dissertation (24 Credits)

Doctoral students must complete three core courses offered by Ubiquity University as well as write a doctoral dissertation. The remaining courses can be taken from Ubiquity or elsewhere as specific courses related to the chosen field of study.

3 core courses (11 credits):

  • Dissertation Writing and Research Methods with Dr. Gyorgyi Szabo (4 credits in-person)
  • Great Books with Dr. Jim Garrison and Dr. Gyorgyi Szabo (3 credits online)
  • Ubiquity Chartres Academy, meeting annually in Chartres, France (4 credits in-person)

An additional 45 credits must be earned through course work approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Tuition and Fees

Total Tuition and Fees for the whole Program = $22,000 for 80 credit fees ($300 per credit)*, Dissertation fee, Major Advisor fee, and External Examiner fee.

*This total for courses may fluctuate if courses are taken from outside Ubiquity as Independent Study. To import for credit, you will need to have the Independent Study course approved, write a post-paper to demonstrate what you learned from the course and pay the normal $300 per credit fee.

In-person courses will include logistics costs (for board and lodging for example) which are not included in the costs above.

For more information, see this document:
Ubiquity University Student Handbook

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