Potential Major Advisors for PhD students

Major Advisor responsibilities:

The Student responsibilities:

Choosing an Advisor is one of the most important decisions you as a student make in the dissertation process: it is up there with choosing a topic. In an ideal world, your advisor would be a mentor, an expert in your field, a coach, an editor, and a career counsellor; someone to guide, teach and encourage you from the first moment until the last. There are, however, few human beings who can fill that entire job description. An advisor/advisee relationship is like other relationships. Most don’t work perfectly at first, or all the time, but there must be enough goodwill on each side so that you can both try to make your relationship work. Your job is to get your advisor to help you as much and as effectively as possible.

Please find below a list of recommended advisors, check their profiles and contact them directly. We cannot assure or promise their availability at the time you enter dissertation phase. If you do not find within the list anybody available or the most appropriate person then please reach out to your community, people you may know, the author of a book you read et al.

Improve your writing

If you do not have much experience in academic writing, we can offer two levels of support. Firstly, it could be a good idea to take one of the online courses below. They can really help with the writing process. Secondly, we have a community of Writing Mentors who are available to support you one-on-one, giving you feedback on your writing and coaching you on how to improve it.

Improve your Writing - our Top 5 Recommended Courses

Writing Mentors

Personal mentoring on your academic writing is available through Linda White. See her profile in the Advisors list below.

Click here to purchase a Writing Mentoring session

Publishing your Writing

As you write the chapters of your thesis or dissertation, you might want to consider publishing your writing in a journal that we recommend, the Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change.


Magdalena Smieszek PhD​

Juan Carlos Arean PhD Ubiquity University Graduate

Mari Karen Castle PhD Ubiquity University Graduate

Ed Muller PhD

Mary Hillsman, PhD

Dr. Chris Erickson, PhD. Political Science, Senior Educational Administrator, American Board of Sexology, Board Member and Certified Diplomate

Haley Fox, PhD.
she/her/hers, LPC (MO), LMHC (MA), LPCC (MN) Board-certified art therapist and art therapy supervisor (ATR-BCCS), Board-certified music therapist (MT-BC), Registered Expressive Arts Therapist (REAT), Certified Psychedelic Assisted Therapy Provider

Dr. Spring Cheng

Dr. Stephanie Mines

Margot Borden PhD Ubiquity University

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Dr. Magdalena Smieszek

Dr. Magdalena Smieszek is an experienced international lawyer, humanitarian, and educator. With a career spanning advocacy, policy development, and education, she brings an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspective to her work, merging legal expertise with various fields of psychology including transpersonal psychology and integral approaches. She has worked extensively with global organizations, including various NGOs and several agencies of the United Nations (UNICEF, UNHCR, UNDP, IOM) across Europe, Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, and beyond. Her academic credentials include a PhD in juridical science from the Central European University and a Master’s in International Human Rights Law from the University of Oxford, on top of two more degrees from Canadian universities – a JD and a BA in international relations.\

  • Focuses professionally on forced migration, sustainable peace, human development, and fostering solutions to complex challenges—ranging from climate justice to trauma healing in post-conflict settings.
  • Researches how psychological frameworks and spirituality intersect with human rights discourse, systems change, and the development of holistic models of governance and education.
  • Teaches and authored several papers, chapters, and a book on topics such as the evolution of laws, the psychological dimensions of human rights, and the spiritual foundations of justice.
  • Presents at international conferences and publishes articles on the integration of law, consciousness, and social transformation.
  • Uses inter/trans-disciplinary approaches to bridge the knowledge of governance, legal structures, and the inner dimensions of human experience.
  • Aims to inspire and guide others to become conscious practitioners that are able to address disparities and crises with vision and compassion.

Haley Fox, PhD

she/her/hers, LPC (MO), LMHC (MA), LPCC (MN) Board-certified art therapist and art therapy supervisor (ATR-BCCS), Board-certified music therapist (MT-BC), Registered Expressive Arts Therapist (REAT), Certified Psychedelic Assisted Therapy Provider

An artist-psychotherapist, author, public speaker and researcher with over 30 years of experience, I bring expertise working with and studying a vast range of ages and populations and applying knowledge of:

  • Archetypal Psychology
  • Integral Metatheory
  • Arts-based, heuristic and phenomenological research methodologies
  • The Enneagram personality typing system
  • Professional and creative writing
  • Imaginative variation/improvisational engagement with art, music and movement
  • The integration of non-ordinary states of consciousness
  • Michael Cotton’s Source Code Meditation, Summits of Transformation and Salutogenic Thrivestyle.

My personal theoretical orientation is grounded in archetypal psychology, including the role (intermodal) images play in human experience. I discipline myself to maintain a sense of myself as an artist and to remain close to my own art and my artistic sensibilities, which inform my clinical and research practices.

I completed Praxis Alethia, a metamodern mystery school, New Human University in 2022.

Sample of Professional Publications

Fox, H. (2022). Sexual healing: Shining a lantern on the erotic experiences of two inveterate soul-seekers, the story of Marty and Lee. WordHouse Book Publishing [Publication pending.]

Fox, H. (2020). Follow your bliss: A soul-centered guide to job-hunting and career-life planning (2nd ed.). iUniverse.

Fox, H. (2018, July). Songwriting and human shadow: Heuristic inquiry grounded in art. VOICES: A world forum for music therapy, 18: 2. Grieg Academy Music Therapy Research Centre, Uni Research Health. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15845/voices.v18i2.919.

Fox, H., Knill, P., & Fuchs, M. (2017). Minstrels of soul: Intermodal expressive therapy. Chinese translation. PsyGarden Publishing Company. PsyGarden.com/tw. 心靈工坊文化事業股份有限公司, 編輯部 趙士尊

Fox, H. (2012). Masks, wounds and bridges: Expressive arts therapy with sexual abusers. In Sana Loue (Ed.), Expressive Therapies for Sexual Issues: A Social Work Perspective (pp. 85-115). Springer Publications.


Dr. Spring Cheng

Dr. Spring Cheng spent the first half of her life in traditional, pre-industrialized China and the latter half in the US. After she received a doctoral degree in molecular biology and masters in biostatistics, she worked in the pharmaceutical industry as a data scientist. However, in her career as a scientist, her heart and spirit felt empty and deserted. She then dedicated herself to reconnecting with her own indigenous roots through Chinese medicine and Taoism. Later, with her partner Joe Shirley, Spring co-founded the Resonance Path Institute, where she integrated these different disciplines through coaching and leadership development.
Spring invented The Resonance Code, a rebirth of the ancient Chinese classic I Ching, the Book of Change, in the context of leadership and organizational development. She is the author of The Resonance Code: Empowering Leaders to Evolve towards Wholeness. She is an advocate for integrating indigenous wisdom with modern thinking in the field of adult development. She brings her work to diverse places such as the U.S., Canada, China and European countries.

Dr. Stephanie Mines

Founder: Climate Change and Consciousness, Founder: The TARA Approach

Dr. Stephanie Mines is the author of five books that reflect over three decades of research as a neuroscientist. She has investigated shock and trauma as a survivor, a professional, a clinical researcher, and healthcare provider. Her nonprofit, The TARA Approach is instrumental in the systemic change she promotes as a Regenerative Health paradigm. Dr. Mines also developed Climate Change & Consciousness to facilitate inner transformation for grounded climate action. Climate Change Consciousness serves an international and intergenerational community of visionary activists. Dr. Mines’ latest books, The Secret of Resilience: Healing Personal and Planetary Trauma Through Morphogenesis, and The Great Physician: Medicinal Poetry for the Anthropocene, will be released in the Spring and Summer of 2023.

Dr. Chris Erickson

PhD. Political Science (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Senior Educational Administrator (Institute of Authentic Tantra Education)
American Board of Sexology, Board Member and Certified Diplomate

Areas of interest:

  • The social applicability of Tantric practice
  • Spirituality, Emotionality and politics
  • Postmodern and post-dualist thought
  • The roots of political extremism

For the past decade I have been a Tantric practitioner of the Shangpa Kagyu lineage engaging with both the sexual and non-sexual teachings. In my role as the Senior Educational Administrator of the Institute of Authentic Tantra Education, I have been instrumental in establishing the first school for Tantra as a holistic healing modality with both government certification and lineage approval in the Western world. My academic background has focused largely on the philosophical traditions that are at the roots of Western society. I am the author of The Poetics of Fear: A Human Response to Human Security which examines the role of fear as a political tool. After over two decades as an award winning instructor in a conventional university setting, I am excited to explore the educational and policy-based prospects that lie beyond those bounds.

My primary interests include the applicability of the practices and insights of Vajrayana Buddhist tradition to contemporary society, the examination of how prevailing frameworks of thought have shaped the Western world, and how they have exposed their shortcomings in the process.

Mary Hillsman, PhD

Caring, considerate, encouraging, and sympathetic are the qualities about my advisor that mattered to me.  I am also caring, considerate, encouraging, and sympathetic.

My research explored the importance of examining and expressing our power.  Heuristic Research, Arts-Based Research, and Organic Inquiry are the research Methods I used to investigate women’s subjective experience of personal power. I learned from my team of co-researchers that they identified power to be something to help others and make a positive difference in the world. The expressive and reflective aspects of mask making engaged the creative and intuitive ways of knowing for all of us. This investigation began with the premise that women experience and express power differently than is traditionally identified in our culture and understood as domination and control. Co-researchers defined power as: Awareness, Balance, Authenticity and Connectedness. They further explained their expressions of power as Compassionate Communication and Compassionate Action were only possible after they found their power in the previous definitions. As a conduit for change, this study presents defining options for the concept of power that, if adopted, by a more general population, could change how we care for ourselves, for others, and for our world.

Research is a journey.  Writing a thesis and dissertation are a deep intellectual and personal undertaking. I look forward to meeting with you and supporting your journey.

Some nuts and bolts about me: BFA University of Denver, MA Lesley University, PhD The Wisdom School, UU.

Owner ~ General Contractor of sacred family homes/spaces; CEO Family Crisis Center; Executive Director Technical Education Program in Colorado Community College System; CEO Senior Living Campuses; Multiple ~ Affordable Housing; Consultant ~ C Suite Leadership Development, Change Management, Continuous Improvement, in corporations, government, and non profit organizations.

Ed Muller PhD

Areas of expertise:

  • Sustainable and regenerative development
  • Bioregional development approaches
  • Biodiversity and ecosystem management
  • Local rural development
  • Tourism (regenerative, sustainable, ecotourism, rural tourism, cultural tourism)
  • Participatory community planning
  • Global change

Mari Karen Castle PhD

Areas of interest and/or expertise:

Transpersonal Psychology to include non-ordinary states of consciousness, ancient spiritual wisdom, archetype, myth, and integration of masculine and feminine energy.

Margot Borden PhD Ubiquity university

Areas of interest and expertise:

  • Psychospiritual healing and development
  • Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism)
  • Divine Feminine
  • East-West Psychology

Juan Carlos Arean PhD

Expertise/interests as follows: Apology, Forgiveness, Ancestral Healing, Perpetrators Trauma, Moral Injury, Historical Trauma, Intergenerational Trauma, Community Accountability, Truth and Reconciliation, Restorative Justice, Transformative Justice, Gender-Based Violence, Battering Intervention, Fatherhood, Gender Socialization, Gender Justice and Healing, Masculinities.

Alexander Laszlo PhD

Speciality Areas:

  • strategic planning (including scenario planning) and strategic design
  • sustainability and thrivability
  • collective intelligence
  • innovation and entrepreneurship
  • systems science, cybernetics and the sciences of complexity
  • evolutionary leadership

My inquiry on these topic areas involves an exploration of the pragmatic ideal of integrating the economic, ecological, social, cultural, and spiritual aspects of societal development through considerations that include:

  • evolutionary thinking and design for thriving organizations
  • personal leadership and taking transformative stands
  • systems thinking, post-disciplinary research, and understanding the dynamics of complexity
  • sustainability principles and their application to organizations and communities
  • coherence of intrapersonal, interpersonal, trans-species, trans-generational, and pan-cosmic relationships
  • language, metaphor, and narrative in service of strategic conversations that shape reality

My research on emerging areas of human, organizational and societal thrivability includes inquiry into areas that are currently pushing the boundaries of human knowledge. Systems, strategy, sustainability/thrivability, aesthetics, ethics, and spirituality — and the interplay among these areas — inform my exploration of the multifocal lens through which I consider the societal and evolutionary value proposition of individual and collective human endeavor. My intellectual passion is to apply systems thinking, policy analysis, and technology assessment to processes of individual and collective empowerment that foster the conditions for a thrivable planet. My professional objective is to engage in educational and community-building activities that curate the nurturance spaces for action at systemic leverage points that help emerge a global eco-civilization.