ET Awareness & Communication

The Science and Consciousness of Remote Perception

4 Week Course with David Harker and Luigi Sciambarella


4 Live Zoom Webinars
90 min each

Recordings will be provided​


4 Thursdays
February 20 - March 13 2025
11 AM Pacific / 2 PM ET / 8 PM CET


Available to the public
or for Academic Credit


This course explores the development of the academic study of ESP in a laboratory setting from its historical roots in the occult. By covering history, theory and practice from varied perspectives, students will “find their feet” and develop a sense of context in which to anchor their exploration of this fascinating topic.

The course also facilitates gaining personal experience of ESP using remote viewing, and connecting with the intuitive part of ourselves using Monroe Institute sound technology. Additional material is provided for those keen to explore these topics more deeply.

Learning Outcomes

Module Outline

The course offered by Ubiquity University over 4 weeks/modules provides an immersive exploration of psi phenomena and remote perception, combining rigorous academic study with practical experiential learning.


Designed for individuals seeking a deeper understanding of consciousness and its applications, it includes guided exercises, theoretical insights, and group-based experimental setups.


The collaboration with the Monroe Institute ensures access to cutting-edge methodologies in consciousness exploration, integrating advanced tools like Hemi-Sync® and MSS® to facilitate altered states of awareness. 

Objective: Familiarize participants with the historical evolution of psi phenomena, from mystical traditions to modern scientific investigations. 

  • Key Figures and Movements: 

○ Upton Sinclair and his work on mental telepathy. 

○ René Warcollier's theories on thought transference. 

○ Theosophy and the New Thought Movement, emphasizing spiritual interconnectedness. 

○ William James and his foundational contributions to psychical research. ○ Freud and Jung’s exploration of the unconscious mind as a potential bridge to psi phenomena. 

○ Aleister Crowley and Western Magick traditions like the Golden Dawn and OTO. 

○ J.B. Rhine’s pioneering experiments in parapsychology. 

○ Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) Lab’s rigorous exploration of consciousness and randomness. 

○ Bob Monroe’s development of audio-guidance technology for accessing non-ordinary states of consciousness. 

○ Stanford Research Institute’s contributions to Remote Viewing research under government sponsorship. 

○ Ingo Swann

  • Classical Psychic Techniques: 

○ Tarot, Mediumship, Palmistry, and traditional divination methods. 

○ Analysis of belief systems influenced by the New Thought Movement, including pitfalls like externalized control and toxic positivity. 

  • Theoretical Insights: 

○ Evolutionary psychology theories explaining psi as a survival mechanism. ○ Quantum consciousness models and their speculative links to psi. 

  • Monroe Institute Integration: 

○ Overview of Focus Levels as tools for exploring the spectrum of 


○ Exercises using Hemi-Sync® for cognitive and intuitive enhancement. ● Recommended Reading: 

○ Cardeña, E. (2018). The experimental evidence for parapsychological phenomena: A review. American Psychologist, 73(5), 663–677. 

○ Horowitz, M. (2023). Modern Occultism: History, Theory, and Practice. G&D Media. 

○ Tressoldi, P. E., & Katz, D. (2023). Remote Viewing: A 1974-2022 Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 37(3), Article 3. 

  • Discussion 

What brought you here? Sharing our early experiences of psi, synchronicities, practical challenges or difficulties on our paths, classical psychic techniques in our everyday lives. How has engaging the transpersonal affected you as an individual? 

  • Homework 

○ Create a concise and engaging lightning presentation (no more than five minutes!) on a historical figure in psi research, highlighting their contributions and impact on the field. 

Objective: Gain personal experience with receptive psi modalities and explore their mechanisms. 

  • Activities: 

○ Basic and advanced Remote Viewing (RV) exercises focusing on target clarity and feedback analysis. 

○ Exploration of precognition and retrocausation, linking time-related phenomena with psi practice. 

○ Journaling synchronicities to recognize patterns of non-local information transfer. 

  • Core Concepts: 

○ The mechanics of intention, attention, and expectation in psi performance. ○ Feedback loops and their role in refining psi accuracy.

○ The concept of "time loops" as explored in retrocausal psi. 

  • Monroe Institute Integration: 

○ Use of Focus 10 (Mind Awake/Body Asleep) to facilitate psi experiences. ○ Collaborative intention-setting exercises in Focus 12 (Expanded Awareness). ○ Techniques for balancing analytical and intuitive processes during psi sessions. 

  • Recommended Reading: 

○ Wargo, E. (2018). Time Loops: Precognition, Retrocausation, and the Unconscious. Anomalist Books. 

○ McMoneagle, J.W., & May, E.C. (2014). The possible role of intention, attention, and expectation in remote viewing. Anomalous Cognition: Remote Viewing Research and Theory, 368–376. 

○ Surprise, K., & Combs, A. (2012). Synchronicity: The Art of Coincidence, Change, and Unlocking Your Mind (First Edition). New Page Books. 

  • Homework 

○ Using the targets provided, run your own remote viewing experiment using the instructions provided and journal some self-reflective observations of your experience for discussion next time. Note any synchronicities or insights which pop up along the way in your journal. 

  • Experience 

○ TBC 

  • Discussion 

○ Lightning presentations 

○ If time a Q&A, check in with David & Luigi 

Objective: Understand the role of subjectivity, ego, and intellect in mystical and psi experiences. 

  • Themes: 

○ The projective nature of psi experiences and their susceptibility to personal biases. 

○ Exploring psychic space as a "hall of mirrors," where perception is influenced by expectation. 

○ Archetypes and collective consciousness as frameworks for interpreting psi phenomena. 

  • Theoretical Insights: 

○ The "Left and Right Brain" model as a metaphor for analytical versus holistic processing. 

○ Cognitive biases and their impact on psi data interpretation. 

○ The "trickster" archetype as a representation of the unpredictable nature of psi phenomena. 

  • Monroe Institute Integration: 

○ Exercises to identify and mitigate analytical overlay (AOL) in Focus 15 (No Time).

○ Exploration of archetypal imagery and its interaction with subjective psi experiences in Focus 21 (Other Energy Systems). 

  • Homework 

○ TBC 

  • Experience 

○ TBC 

  • Discussion/Practical 

○ Quick exercise demonstrating power and pitfalls of subjectivity and framing ○ Share your journal notes from the previous week’s remote perception homework 

  • Recommended Reading: 

○ Kennedy, J. E. (2016). Coming to terms with the trickster. 

Radin, D. (2019). Tricking the Trickster: Evidence for Predicted Sequential Structure in a 19-Year Online Psi Experiment. IONS. 

○ Beale, J. (2020, December 15). Psychological Obstacles to Metacognition. CIRL. 

Objective: Explore the physiological and neurological correlates of psi phenomena. 

  • Key Topics: 

○ Brainwave states: Identifying the neural markers of psi activity (e.g., theta and gamma waves). 

○ The role of emotion and affect regulation in psi performance. 

■ Embodied emotion, body memories 

■ Left brain overlay of right brain intuitive knowing <-> islands joining on the seafloor 

  • Brief exercise to access rb/social 

○ Diet and its physiological impact on consciousness states (e.g., fasting, vegetarianism) 

  • Theoretical Insights: 

○ The Alpha-Theta Bridge as a pathway to intuitive access. 

○ Neuroplasticity and its role in developing psi-related skills. 

○ Genetic research on psychic abilities. 

  • Monroe Institute Integration: 

○ MSS® (Monroe Sound Science) technology to fine-tune brainwave states. ○ Advanced binaural beat exercises for fostering coherence between mind and body. 

○ Daily practices for energy alignment and emotional stability. 

  • Recommended Reading: 

○ Daw, M. J., Roe, C., & Cooper, C. E. (2021). How is Fasting and 

Vegetarianism Perceived to Support Psi among Adepts?

○ Wahbeh, H., Radin, D., Yount, G., et al. (2022). Genetics of psychic ability—A pilot case-control exome sequencing study. Explore (New York, N.Y.), 18(3), 264–271. 

Wahbeh, H., Radin, D., Cannard, C., & Delorme, A. (2022). What if consciousness is not an emergent property of the brain? Frontiers in 

Psychology, 13, 955594. 

  • Homework 

○ Daily practices for energy alignment, emotional stability - taking these practices forward 

  • Discussion 

○ Reflections 


  • David Harker is a remote viewer, trainer, mentor, mystic, magician, host of The Psychic Guys podcast and moderator of the largest online community of remote viewers. He’s particularly interested in the overlap between remote viewing and esoteric spiritual traditions. He has a background in archaeology, software engineering and life sciences. David lives in North Yorkshire, UK. 
  • Luigi Sciambarella is a Board Member and Residential Trainer for the world-renowned Monroe Institute, established by consciousness pioneer, Robert Monroe. Luigi is a UKCP-registered Hypno-Psychotherapist. He has had out-of-body and lucid dreaming experiences from an early age and has been methodically documenting and studying them for 20 years. He also facilitates weekend and week-long programs in the UK and globally, as well as giving conference lectures on the exploration of consciousness using sound technology. 

Further Reading 

  • Mangan, G. L. (1958). A review of published research on the relationship of some personality variables to ESP scoring level. ● McMoneagle, J. (2023). Remote Viewing Secrets: A Handbook. Crossroad Press. Dialogues: Psychic Spy Veterans. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. ● Ritchey, D. (2003). The H.I.S.S. of the A.S.P: Understanding the Anomalously Sensitive Person. Headline Books. 

  • Wahbeh, H., Radin, D., Cannard, C., & Delorme, A. (2022). What if consciousness is not an emergent property of the brain? Observational and empirical challenges to materialistic models. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 955594. 

Featured Faculty

David Harker

David Harker is a remote viewer, trainer, mentor, mystic, magician, host of The Psychic Guys podcast and moderator of the largest online community of remote viewers. He’s particularly interested in the overlap between remote viewing and esoteric spiritual traditions. He has a background in archaeology, software engineering and life sciences. David lives in North Yorkshire, UK.

Featured Faculty

Luigi Sciambarella

Based in England, Luigi Sciambarella is an Outreach, Guest and Residential Trainer for the world-renowned Monroe Institute, established by consciousness pioneer, Robert Monroe. Luigi is a UKCP-registered Hypno-Psychotherapist.

He has had out-of-body and lucid dreaming experiences from an early age and has been methodically documenting and studying them for 20 years.

He also facilitates weekend and week-long programs in the UK and globally, as well as giving conference lectures on the exploration of consciousness using sound technology.

About ET Studies

Ubiquity University is pleased to announce a partnership with TransDimensional Mapping to create the world’s first Academic Certificate and Degree Program in Extraterrestrial Studies.

This course is part the Academic Certificate on Extraterrestrial Awareness and Communication.

By joining this program, you will become part of the first wave of human beings dedicated to enabling humanity to enter its ET Moment in a spirit of open heartedness toward all beings, whether terrestrial or extraterrestrial. 

The Science and Consciousness of Remote Perception​

4 Week Course with David Harker and Luigi Sciambarella


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